That's why I love OCT so much! This type of "insider's information" is NOT available ANYWHERE else! It allows one to "bulletproof" themselves against this sort of nonsense.You are dead right, it's the little SE Asian employees who are doing this! Yes the same ones in the Banks that send you a fake message from the Central Bank of UAE after making a sizeable transfer or the like .... Also the same ones who call you and tell you have won 1/2 million Dirhams in an Etisalat Prize Draw.
It is not the local population, they could not care less, they are NOT interested at all. It is enough (in Dubai) that their beloved Sheikh takes 4% of every Real Estate transaction, to pay their salaries and give free Schooling and Healthcare etc
@JohnLocke, this type of information is invaluable to potential prospects pondering their move to Dubai! It would be so nice to have a Dubai "secret" vault with all the "insider's information" in it.

PS. Of course, there should be a "secret solution" vault to counter the "local" shenanigans, too

Damn! My heart just sank!Because LVMH stores are currenty closed there and taking pics at the red square is not considered gangsta.