The circa 25% tax is strictly on salary.What the point of Cyprus if you have to pay tax? Many countries have tax free minimums.
It's also an Island. I don't really see the advantages of Cyprus comparing to UAE
It's a common practise to e.g. take a foreign dividend (on which you will pay 2.65%).
And to pay some kind of salary, on which the tax will be higher, but which will establish economic ties to the island and enable you to benefit from healthcare etc., if that's what you want.
Bear in mind that there are all kinds of possible users here, some older, some younger, some with pre-existing health conditions, some without, etc. Cyprus is a particular package of benefits and drawbacks.
The obvious problem with the UAE is that if you're running any kind of servicing company into Europe, the UAE has the stink of a tax haven. But that won't matter if you're doing other kinds of business.
I wonder why it's so hard to grasp the concept that one size doesn't fit all.