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Difference between Dukascopy.com vs. Dukascopy.bank ?

Dukascopy.com = brokerage of stock and crypto

Dukascopy.bank = the bank site

If you will recive USD from US or any where in the world to your Dukascopy then you are f...cked

If you will recive money from your company account that under your name then you are f...cked

If reporting to your home country or your residency country will be a problem then you are f...cked

I have an account with them i used to have USD from my company to a wise like account then conert it from USD to Euro then transfer it to my Dukascopy account

Until now i have no problem but when rhey close it then its over you will be blcoke for long time
Dukascopy.com = brokerage of stock and crypto

Dukascopy.bank = the bank site

If you will recive USD from US or any where in the world to your Dukascopy then you are f...cked

If you will recive money from your company account that under your name then you are f...cked

If reporting to your home country or your residency country will be a problem then you are f...cked

I have an account with them i used to have USD from my company to a wise like account then conert it from USD to Euro then transfer it to my Dukascopy account

Until now i have no problem but when rhey close it then its over you will be blcoke for long time
Usd transfer from UAE personal bank account to dukascopy would cause a problem?
Interpol , tax organizations do not have the right to block bank accounts unless there is proof of criminal activity in court.

wrong and right, interpol is not a police force so they only coodinate , but tax office they all possible meaning to block your accounts at will anywhere in the world almost
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I tried to open an account but I have to confirm these 3 points. I do not meet the first two points. And for the third one, I am not required, so even if I met the first two points i I would not be able to apply.

Which one is scam?

Well no one of them are scam and they both scam at same time

They close accounts suddenly and no reply at all

Search here and some Trustpilot will give you clear vision

I tried to open an account but I have to confirm these 3 points. I do not meet the first two points. And for the third one, I am not required, so even if I met the first two points i I would not be able to apply.

View attachment 5576

Its sutible for personal accounts more than business accounts
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