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Choice Bank of Belize faces liquidity problems

They told me i must send just id notarized, no driver license or something else . I got the confirmation that they received documents but no message since 1 month ago ..

Will be shocking if we will get even 20 % . I will spend all money in a fancy trip and i will forget about this s**t .
Who has a contract between us and choice??? Anyone sent that? A friend got an email from the liquidator asking for the contract.
We had no contract, it was an online registration with firstchoice!!! Wtf.
Are they doing this on purpose? A few days before the deadline?
Hello everyone,
I dont think they need notarized any documents as we are persons, not company. In the claim is writen that we can send normal copy of documents if we are a person.
I send them without notarize any of them.
Is anyone here who had to fill 2 claims? I, personally have money frozen in Fcp and also a payment rejected from Cam contacts...So i had to send them 2 claims.
Who has a contract between us and choice??? Anyone sent that? A friend got an email from the liquidator asking for the contract.
We had no contract, it was an online registration with firstchoice!!! Wtf.
Are they doing this on purpose? A few days before the deadline?
I dont have any contract or any invoice between me and choice bank either.
“Except where the Claimant is a natural person and signs this form personally, confirmation and supporting documents must be provided that the signatory is properly authorized to sign on behalf of the claimant.”

I understood from here that we dont have to notarize the documents if we are a person ...
Take a look at the beggining of tranzaction. There you will find the date. Or take a look at the first messages from Choice in your email. Must be an email with confirmation there.... Anyway, just hurry with documents.
Thx for the reply but first time we had accounts at payonner and they move us to the Choice. I sent the documents and i put the date of account Issued ”year 2012” i hope that will be ok!
does anyone know if we are recovering money? I have sent all the documents for more than a month and I did not get any answer. I sent them mail but nobody responds....
60 percent? Thats absurd...i wish:(
Bank had 73 at the beginning.Minus the losses, time spent till now, liquidation fees etc ..all seems dark to me. Who advised you? Maybe he knows more.
I wish good luck to everyone. Let s hope for something back and less issues with the claim forms and documentation.
Did someone actually put a lawyer on this case?
I was in touch with my lawyers the next month after it all started.Why?
A lawsuit was to expensive for me and brought no guarantees. Got them only for guidance through this whole process.
Hello all,
I have same problem like many ppl I see.
I just find out about claim forms few hours ago, no one told me before, I just got a mail now,. I have an account on fcp and my balance is frozen now there. which claim form I should chosse? and i need print those forms and write on them and scan after and send again?? i know i ask so much...but this is very hard for me, they are so complicated.
You can t be serious!! In 6 months you never checked your money? Means you can afford loosing them and they are only coins for you.The deadline for the claims was yesterday.
They are alive. They just reply me that my documents was received but unable to open them and to send again in other format. Guys, in wich format did you send? Thank you
Hei, can u help me please??
I have no ideea what claim form I should choose and how you send? You printed and write and after you scan and send? Beacuse for me doesn't work for write something on them. I want to mention ,I had card from Fcp and now I have alot money blocked in virtual balance.
Thank you alot and hope u will can help me.
You can t be serious!! In 6 months you never checked your money? Means you can afford loosing them and they are only coins for you.The deadline for the claims was yesterday.
Of course I checked the money, I did it al the time on my Fcp account. Where else?I dont know where else. And after 10000 mails they send me yesterday a mail where I can access claim forms. I was very shocked,beacuse I had no ideea about and dead line. I called them very often and contact bug them with mails, but no damn answear.
So please, I beg you ppl help me with few answers! Like what form claim and how do you send .
Thanks alot
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