Card processor for Singapore business / Marketing services

Have you looked into Instabill for that sake?
Can you share companies
I even think about killing myself.

Created a new paypal business account. Didnt connect it to my SMM site. After 1 manual payment of $30 the paypal got limited for 180 days. The email came 1 MINUTE after the payment came in.
The woirst nightmare I live in. While I see hundreds of SMM sites using PayPal.

Yesterday I reported 10+ competitor sites to Stripe. Some of them use masking sites. I am so angry. I want other to suffer the same.

With PayOP/Unitpay I only make 25-30% of my sales. 80% USA clients and almost no US card works on these 2 processors.
I lose all my clients. I only want to die.

Its the WORST nightmare ever, I have a business running, no chargebcks (below 0,5% always) and I have a Singapore chance o receiving US payments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It sounds like payment processors have blacklisted you and/or your customers. You would need a completely clean identity to get around this. Clean company, UBO, directors, shareholders and clean phone number, domain, IP address, and device. And no early transactions from customers who have purchased from you before.

Don't expect Stripe to care about your reports. It will most likely go right to the trash. They only care if they discover something themselves or if the card schemes or their acquirers/processors send them notices.
I did this already. I have 5 limited paypal accounts. I made new companies, new IP, new domain. It doesnt work !!!!!

Stripe asked ME to give them a list!!!! I complaint why I cant do business while I know many other sites. He/She said: Please send me a list.
I also offered him/her money. And told them I wont give up. If you dont approve me I will use 100 Stripe accounts.

I do NOT care AT ALL.
Firstly, come down. You have a problem you need to overcome. You need a clear head to think it through and find a solution.

Are you from Singapore? If so, you have a singapore business, with a singapore bank account (personal and business)?

Have you contacted paypal to ask them why the account was limited? Not email, but phone. Always use the phone. Majority of people trying to be sneaky are scared to use the phone so always phone when it is an option.

If you have a clean new busiess that isn't tied to your old business / smm site / bank account whatever, set up a clean website, for all intents and purposes a clean new business, make sure it is 100% valid by all payment processors terms and conditions. I don't know what this could be, but make something up. Selling applications / mobile apps, I don't know but make it clean and do not leave ANY ambiguity to whether it is within the terms. DO NOT MENTION SMM.

Then go to all processors, the big, the small, the new, the old, the high risk. Sign up to all of them.

Then just when people click to purchase "1000 fake followers for $100" send them to a custom page on the new site, have the product be something like "package_1648456: $100"

If the fact you have a singapore company is the problem, look at other jursidictions that are more favourably viewed.

Don't waste your time reporting competitors, that doesn't help you. Spend your time productively on your issue. Others are doing it, so there IS a way around this, you just need to find it. Don't be afraid to get on the phone and just call these places up. Have plenty of backups as they will get closed down, but be ready to replace them.

These didn't work out I guess?

Yes I am from Singapore and I have a Singapore LLP.

I contacted them many times. They say they can't do anything once its 180d limited. I am supposed to read the TOS.

So you say I use my 2nd site with a fake business like selling mobile apps or maybe wordpress plugins or whatever. Then Ill connect this site to PayPal? or how?

Yes I know, its masking method but I first need to get approved with masking site, then I need to find php coder...He needs to understand what I want to have. I want exactly this for Stripe !!!
yes get a new structure / business accepted for whoever. paypal / stripe / 2checkout / braintree. I don't know, anyone you can find. Do you even need a business can you do it as a private indvidual?

Then set your new site to offer products for the same cost as your actual SMM site. Then just link the SMM site to the purchase page of same priced product. Shouldn't even need any coding. Is very basic, but if the clean website APPEARS completely valid then you should be ok.

Also, I don't know about Singapore LLP, but often read on here, UK LLP are not favourably looked upon.
Reactions: clemens
I know the owners of a very known payment processor and they allowed me to use it.
so spit out the payment processor or I will report your post as violating the forum rules. Your post make no sense.
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