Firstly, come down. You have a problem you need to overcome. You need a clear head to think it through and find a solution.
Are you from
Singapore? If so, you have a singapore business, with a singapore
bank account (personal and business)?
Have you contacted paypal to ask them why the account was limited? Not email, but phone. Always use the phone. Majority of people trying to be sneaky are scared to use the phone so always phone when it is an option.
If you have a clean new busiess that isn't tied to your old business / smm site / bank account whatever, set up a clean website, for all intents and purposes a clean new business, make sure it is 100% valid by all payment processors terms and conditions. I don't know what this could be, but make something up. Selling applications / mobile apps, I don't know but make it clean and do not leave ANY ambiguity to whether it is within the terms. DO NOT MENTION SMM.
Then go to all processors, the big, the small, the new, the old, the
high risk. Sign up to all of them.
Then just when people click to purchase "1000 fake followers for $100" send them to a custom page on the new site, have the product be something like "package_1648456: $100"
If the fact you have a singapore company is the problem, look at other jursidictions that are more favourably viewed.
Don't waste your time reporting competitors, that doesn't help you. Spend your time productively on your issue. Others are doing it, so there IS a way around this, you just need to find it. Don't be afraid to get on the phone and just call these places up. Have plenty of backups as they will get closed down, but be ready to replace them.