to the contrary, the wallets themselves can be checked using a good compliance tool such as chainalysis, and then it's a normal SoF checkIt's not as if it's impossible to do due diligence and conduct SOF/SOW checks for crypto.
Did you not read this bit? Clear really.Why would you assume this? I have completed several real estate purchases for clients using crypto, the KYC that is being undertaken is very thorough, completing due diligence on the wallets themselves using appropriate KYC tools. There is nothing shady here, provided that all proper checks are completed.
KYC is held to a minimum and buyer only just makes a statement on the sales contract that the crypto funds are from legitimate sources.
Yes it is possible and our company is dedicated to offering this solution to investors from around the globe. Please check out our website ( for more information or contact us via +971509444794.
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