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Betfair thinks that Trump is about 5 times more likely to win than Biden

Imagine not voting for Trump, I can't imagine myself voting for Scamhala, is she even black? Or is she Indian this time? I can't remember, let me check the Wayback Machine:


Wait what?


Is Jamaica in Africa?


And what is this?

So what is she?
You greatly overestimate the IQ of the average American voter sadly...lol.
There are so many ridiculous things with this election and the Dems, but the biggest is that Kamala is running as though she hasn't been involved one iota in the last four years

She talks like she's going to replace a Trump administration and how bad things currently are. On that alone, how could anyone vote for her?!

And the worst kind of voters are the ones that stay tied to a political party for a lifetime. Typically inherited from their parents. Most of the time the party is diametrically opposed to what it once stood for, yet they're still voting for it?

I quite like Andrew Tates theory that poor people, immigrants and women don't actually vote. People just presume they would vote dem, so they just get counted in there.
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It's easy - most poor people vote left, most rich people vote centre-right. Post-Covid the gap widened, so there are many more poor sad people who will vote for the most leftist ideology possible. The same is happening in the UK, USA, EU, Latin America etc.

Regarding Trump-Harris - it's a pain to watch, both are terrible and comparing with 2012 Obama-Romney election it feels sad how low the bar has dropped.
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Anyone remember Hilary Clinton Vs Donald Trump debate? Media was telling us Hilary won it. But who cares it didn't end well for Hilary.

I met some Americans here in Bahamas and I asked them who they are voting for and they said Trump. I asked why and they said they don't trust Kamala as she doesn't have any kids :confused:. Good luck with the election folks thu&¤#.
And the worst kind of voters are the ones that stay tied to a political party for a lifetime. Typically inherited from their parents. Most of the time the party is diametrically opposed to what it once stood for, yet they're still voting for it?
The three-monkey experiment! smi(&% rof/% Now, it's been rewritten (I don't know by who) to the five-monkey experiment, but the gist still stands: It's hard to break "inherited" habits.
I quite like Andrew Tates theory
A lot of people hate on this guy, but this guy was an absolute savage way before social media became a thing. Google "Andrew Tate knocks out angry German."

Absolutely f*ck that guy and I hope he burns in H3LL! He's the one who started this whole FATCA BS. I hope "Big Mike" gives him hemorrhoids! smi(&%
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