Question Best EU country for paying taxes ?

No, it's profit, not revenue.
It's written everywhere, it is the normal corporate tax rate; it is just reduced for "small companies." from 19% to 9%.
Well, I was just questioning the methodology of defining the threshold for “a small company” – I was convinced that it is really derived from the revenue, not from the profit. See for example here Poland Tax Overview | Guide 2022 (the first link in English that I found now).
well it says revenue, it's the standard corporate tax rate, nothing to do with the Romanian CIT of 1.2%

Are you sure? Would you mind to provide some source?
sorry my first comment I mixed profit with revenue.

Anyway it is the standard corporate tax rate on company income

I see there is confusion; let me explain myself clearly ahaha

For the Romanian micro company, you pay 1.2% on your gross income, so you cannot deduct expenses.

For the Polish company, it's the standard corporate tax rate, and you pay 9% on your income minus expenses.

Ok, I read what you said again; you were right; it's 2.000000 EUR of revenue, the limit to access that tax rate.

I was focusing on what you pay taxes on and the difference with the Romanian micro company.

I got what you meant now.
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Ok, I read what you said again; you were right; it's 2.000000 EUR of revenue, the limit to access that tax rate.

I was focusing on what you pay taxes on and the difference with the Romanian micro company.

I got what you meant now.
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