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Question Best EU country for paying taxes ?

Just a remark:

Yes; beware that the 2M threshold for the revenue (not the profit!) includes the amount of VAT due.

In Poland it seems to be much more complicated than in Estonia. The taxpayer have to meet a set of conditions, such as maximum income limit, appropriate shareholding structure, incurring investment expenses or keeping a certain level of employment. Then the tax will be deferred until the profit from the company is paid (distributed).
No, it's profit, not revenue.
It's written everywhere, it is the normal corporate tax rate; it is just reduced for "small companies." from 19% to 9%.
Well, I was just questioning the methodology of defining the threshold for “a small company” – I was convinced that it is really derived from the revenue, not from the profit. See for example here Poland Tax Overview | Guide 2022 (the first link in English that I found now).
Well, I was just questioning the methodology of defining the threshold for “a small company” – I was convinced that it is really derived from the revenue, not from the profit. See for example here Poland Tax Overview | Guide 2022 (the first link in English that I found now).
well it says revenue, it's the standard corporate tax rate, nothing to do with the Romanian CIT of 1.2%

Are you sure? Would you mind to provide some source?
Well, I was just questioning the methodology of defining the threshold for “a small company” – I was convinced that it is really derived from the revenue, not from the profit. See for example here Poland Tax Overview | Guide 2022 (the first link in English that I found now).
sorry my first comment I mixed profit with revenue.

Anyway it is the standard corporate tax rate on company income

Well, I was just questioning the methodology of defining the threshold for “a small company” – I was convinced that it is really derived from the revenue, not from the profit. See for example here Poland Tax Overview | Guide 2022 (the first link in English that I found now).
I see there is confusion; let me explain myself clearly ahaha

For the Romanian micro company, you pay 1.2% on your gross income, so you cannot deduct expenses.

For the Polish company, it's the standard corporate tax rate, and you pay 9% on your income minus expenses.

Well, I was just questioning the methodology of defining the threshold for “a small company” – I was convinced that it is really derived from the revenue, not from the profit. See for example here Poland Tax Overview | Guide 2022 (the first link in English that I found now).
Ok, I read what you said again; you were right; it's 2.000000 EUR of revenue, the limit to access that tax rate.

I was focusing on what you pay taxes on and the difference with the Romanian micro company.

I got what you meant now.
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Ok, I read what you said again; you were right; it's 2.000000 EUR of revenue, the limit to access that tax rate.

I was focusing on what you pay taxes on and the difference with the Romanian micro company.

I got what you meant now.
:) OK
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