I am Italian and into tech startups. He said he's into that too, so I'll give him a good advice: FORGET ITALY. Read this as do not ever put your money here.
Anything is behind the curve, from VC/advisor/government/consumers. Forget it.
You name it, justice, laws, taxes, startup costs, everything is fucked beyond repair.
Anything gov touches goes to s**t. There's no way to improve.
Extreme left wing country. Constitution was written just after n**i-fascism, by the opposite, the communists... so it's like utopia: everyone should have a job, healthcare should be free, etc, but it doesn't say who's gonna pay for it... all it's made on debt, some one will pay for it.
I tell you who pays: entrepreneurs and small business owners.
But these found it, so many evaded/continue to evade... it's a catch22.
That's why taxes and startup costs are huge.
Italy is for the extremely poor (they get literally everything for free), or extremely
rich. Anything in between it'll be a PITA.
Go to Miami and don't look back, even if it seems more expensive short-term. You would struggle as a tech entrepreneur in Italy.
VCs and advisors don't know s**t nor they have the business experience, they just mock some trendy english words in between and that's enough here... you get funded by political sympathy

Everyone I knew left and made it elsewhere. The one who couldn't leave, are struggling and cannot grow.