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Best banks for the usd 100,000 trust or foundation

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Why not demonstrate it how you can help doing so ?
Ok, let's try to do it, even it's not simple at all.

Describe me a case (real or unreal) completely and I'll answer a step-by-step solution.
It is necessary to know:

  • Who are the actors (people, corporates, foundations, trustees, settlors, beneficiaries, protector, etc.)
  • Where the actors are resident
  • What are the assets and where they are located
  • Which are the Jurisdicions involved
  • The more you will be specific and complete, the more my answer will be correct
Well folks he didn't last long after getting 3 warnings :(
  • Haha
Reactions: lory
The cold, clammy moderator hand strikes again... Good job kicking out those who don’t play by the rules!

But I would’ve been curious to read his solutions for a bank that's worth putting 100K into, owned by a trust or foundation.
But I would’ve been curious to read his solutions for a bank that's worth putting 100K into, owned by a trust or foundation.

His solution [as a 5 day old new member] would be you give him a load of money and he disappears on you like Houdini make no mistake...lol.
This is the correct link: https://www.utgl.net/

Here there is some additional info: https://www.utgl.net/resources/company

The account they open is a HK account in DBS but you also have the possibility to move the funds to one in SG or US.

Humm utgl.net and utgl.io are same people. Some of the user guides on utgl.net site refer to utgl.io. Was utgl.io an older version of site before a redesign?

Does not pass the sniff test for me yet but looks good in terms of concept and execution. Remember with a trust your transferring legal ownership to them. You need to 100% trust the people who are behind the ownership of your assets. Hence credibility and longevity in the trust business is the beginning and end for me personally.
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Reactions: Nicholas Van Orton
I looked into UTGL at some point. I think I posted about it.

IIRC, everything checks out in that the people involved are/appear real and they even have the necessary registrations/authorizations.

But the product is fundamentally flawed and likely wouldn't hold up for asset protection purposes. A trust you can dip into at any point is going to be disregarded by most competent courts. Money going in is probably taxed the same as if it was going into your pocket. I'm not sure what the use case is, aside from getting naive people to pay fees to spend their own money with no real upside.
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Reactions: Martin Everson
Humm utgl.net and utgl.io are same people. Some of the user guides on utgl.net site refer to utgl.io. Was utgl.io an older version of site before a redesign?

Does not pass the sniff test for me yet but looks good in terms of concept and execution. Remember with a trust your transferring legal ownership to them. You need to 100% trust the people who are behind the ownership of your assets. Hence credibility and longevity in the trust business is the beginning and end for me personally.
https://ugtl.io (ugtl.io) is their backend/dashboard where you can see your funds etc.. And https://www.ugtl.net (ugtl.net) is the landing page/informational page .
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Reactions: Martin Everson
It's clearly not a Discretionary Trust they are offering but more like a Settlor-Interested Trust or something. A discretionary trust is needed to have a chance of getting any tax advantage in a lot of common law jurisdictions. But if the service checks out then its use will be limited and depend heavily on where you live and assets it holds.

P.S Crypto is being added to AEOI CRS reporting so a pure crypto trust won't escape CRS reporting as they claim :(

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Reactions: Davis123
It's clearly not a Discretionary Trust they are offering but more like a Settlor-Interested Trust or something. A discretionary trust is needed to have a chance of getting any tax advantage in a lot of common law jurisdictions. But if the service checks out then its use will be limited and depend heavily on where you live and assets it holds.

P.S Crypto is being added to AEOI CRS reporting so a pure crypto trust won't escape CRS reporting as they claim :(

Wasn’t there a trust similar to this type sometime ago in the news ? That got busted.
I have hold roughly 150K instant with Wise for the last 3 years, no problems at all with them.
  • Wow
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