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Best asset protections options in 2024?

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I am in the same mindset as a solo parent and my child is also on the spectrum.
He is smart but autism people don't see bad in others so can be gullible and believe easily.
I too have been seeking solutions to set up something for him. There are trusts with the aim to take care of a child with special needs.
BUT the major factor is finding a reliable person to manage it. Even celebrities get their estate stolen, so who are we to think differently.
Holland has a foundation, Belgium has no trust law.
Off shore route should work as many families have trust funds set up but I am not in the millionaire category. And maintenance costs will eat up what is there to protect.
I found this file on trust registration worldwide. https://taxjustice.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Trusts-FATF-R-25-1.pdf
The key is if you put the assets in a trust or foundation you must give away the control to avoid tax sanction, here you must find the right guardian.
Please do share us your progress or new info
Hey there. I created a LLC and a family foundation. I mostly have a lot of trust in the LLC. I think the USA is very protective when it comes to LLCs, especially when foreign creditors make any requests.

Did you get further with your plans and setup? would be happy to learn from what you figured out?
Please see my reply above.

Btw, for anyone reading this in the future. The best route for me was a NM LLC + IBKR.
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Not really, esp since 2020 your rule of law shows a lot of interesting twists and tweaks ;).

many such cases. Good luck in front of a court in Liechtenstein, one can equally play bingo instead.
Do you mind to elaborate on the possibility in Lichtenstein in these days ? I thought it was game over if it comes to protecting assets against tax offices and creditors!??

Alternative is structuring your anything like described in the article below:
But I did not find a well defined plan or description about how to go about it for an average joe?
There is no real good answer to your question @justnew it all depends on who you owe money and who you want to protect your asset from! Beside that you need to have a good structure of businesses, trusts or foundations to protect your assets.
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nice one, but I don't think that is sufficient

By memorizing 12/24 words I can take my wealth anywhere in the world, also no robber, government or any law enforcement can confiscate those 12/24 words from my head.

Good luck with your options, partner thu&¤#
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