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Bankera has gone totally crazy


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Jun 18, 2017
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I´m a non EEA resident and opened a fully verified personal account at Bankera back in 2021. Since then (almost 3 years) I only moved LESS THAN 3 EUROS (I just have the account as a buffer between non-crypto friendly banks and exchanges and as I don't do too much crypto I never have to really used it). The 2 transactions (again, LESS THAN 3 EUROS) were made from/to my OWN accounts in Europe (never sent or received from any crypto exchange)
At the end of December they sent me an e-mail requesting to re-verify the account. That's ok with me and I started the process and completed the KYC forms again. Since then the nightmare begun, they keep requesting REALLY SENSITIVE AND INTRUSIVE information about me. I have nothing to hide and diligently provided 2023 tax returns, utility bills, bank statements (both in Europe and in my home country), crypto addresses, etc. But THAT WAS NOT ENOUGH for them. Now they are asking licenses, more bank statements, investment receipts, invoices, contracts, and an endless list of documents just like if I were (or had) to move TENS OF THOUSANDS of euros in the account. I repeat for the third time because this is unbelievable: I only moved 3 EUROS in 3 YEARS with them and FROM/TO MY OWN ACCOUNTS. In the KYC forms I only stated that my maximum planned operation with the account could be between 3000 and 5000 Euros (and not every month but perhaps once or twice A YEAR).
Bankera approach is clearly not rational
I´m a non EEA resident and opened a fully verified personal account at Bankera back in 2021. Since then (almost 3 years) I only moved LESS THAN 3 EUROS (I just have the account as a buffer between non-crypto friendly banks and exchanges and as I don't do too much crypto I never have to really used it). The 2 transactions (again, LESS THAN 3 EUROS) were made from/to my OWN accounts in Europe (never sent or received from any crypto exchange)
At the end of December they sent me an e-mail requesting to re-verify the account. That's ok with me and I started the process and completed the KYC forms again. Since then the nightmare begun, they keep requesting REALLY SENSITIVE AND INTRUSIVE information about me. I have nothing to hide and diligently provided 2023 tax returns, utility bills, bank statements (both in Europe and in my home country), crypto addresses, etc. But THAT WAS NOT ENOUGH for them. Now they are asking licenses, more bank statements, investment receipts, invoices, contracts, and an endless list of documents just like if I were (or had) to move TENS OF THOUSANDS of euros in the account. I repeat for the third time because this is unbelievable: I only moved 3 EUROS in 3 YEARS with them and FROM/TO MY OWN ACCOUNTS. In the KYC forms I only stated that my maximum planned operation with the account could be between 3000 and 5000 Euros (and not every month but perhaps once or twice A YEAR).
Bankera approach is clearly not rational
youre not forced to go along with this. Let me add some context to this to make my point clearer.

I happens the other ways too. I have like 4 bank accounts which I wanted and still want to close. Somehow the banks play dumbf. and just cannot process a simple account closure without wanting me to travel to their precious branch in a far away land (I know it can be done easily by just giving instructions as Ive opened and closed many accounts over the years).
So I get periodical emails for all kind of re kyc requests which directly find the way to my email bin as Im done engaging with them, with some of them this goes on for years and nothing ever happened (accounts still open btw, not one has been closed).
I´m a non EEA resident and opened a fully verified personal account at Bankera back in 2021. Since then (almost 3 years) I only moved LESS THAN 3 EUROS (I just have the account as a buffer between non-crypto friendly banks and exchanges and as I don't do too much crypto I never have to really used it). The 2 transactions (again, LESS THAN 3 EUROS) were made from/to my OWN accounts in Europe (never sent or received from any crypto exchange)
At the end of December they sent me an e-mail requesting to re-verify the account. That's ok with me and I started the process and completed the KYC forms again. Since then the nightmare begun, they keep requesting REALLY SENSITIVE AND INTRUSIVE information about me. I have nothing to hide and diligently provided 2023 tax returns, utility bills, bank statements (both in Europe and in my home country), crypto addresses, etc. But THAT WAS NOT ENOUGH for them. Now they are asking licenses, more bank statements, investment receipts, invoices, contracts, and an endless list of documents just like if I were (or had) to move TENS OF THOUSANDS of euros in the account. I repeat for the third time because this is unbelievable: I only moved 3 EUROS in 3 YEARS with them and FROM/TO MY OWN ACCOUNTS. In the KYC forms I only stated that my maximum planned operation with the account could be between 3000 and 5000 Euros (and not every month but perhaps once or twice A YEAR).
Bankera approach is clearly not rational
I want you to listen to me VERY carefully as I keep repeating myself over & over again to no avail... *BUT* first read this: Data is the new gold - How & why data is collected & sold

I don't care WHO asks you... If people ask you for something they are NOT entitled to, you tell them to go fvck themselves. Now, before ANYONE claims it's easier said than done... In 2001, I sued the most powerful gang of mafia in the world. In hindsight, I could have used a fraction of that (legal) money to target them individually & personally and destroy their lives, but I was STUPID AF and I went the "legal" route! Don't be as STUPID as me. I'm admitting I made a mistake! I'm now plan B, which should have been Plan A. :cool:

If you don't want to fight your enemies, just move away and ignore them. Just disappear! Out of sight, out of mind. Your enemies, weak people who initiate violence, are looking for easy prey...NOT a formidable adversary! ;)

All these companies and service providers that are asking questions beyond the necessary to open a regular account, should NOT be in business and NONE of us should reward, compensate, support, or aid & abet them in their despicable quest to obtain what is ours, "legally" or by deception, and what is NOT theirs, so they can profit from it. In what dimension of the delusional Universe is it OK for me or anyone else to get what we don't deserve or does NOT belong to us? :rolleyes:


Who do you think is "laundering" this kind of money? It sure ain't ANY of us. To do this, you MUST be politically connected & privileged. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have NEVER EVER seen any of those drugs or held them, nor do I know people who have...unless they purposely keep it a secret from me. :rolleyes:

Watch this video:

In closing, Bitcoin, Monero, or any other RIPCORD-style crypto, has NEVER EVER asked me for anything.

they keep requesting REALLY SENSITIVE AND INTRUSIVE information about me. I have nothing to hide and diligently provided 2023 tax returns, utility bills, bank statements (both in Europe and in my home country), crypto addresses, etc. But THAT WAS NOT ENOUGH for them. Now they are asking licenses, more bank statements, investment receipts, invoices, contracts, and an endless list of documents just like if I were (or had) to move TENS OF THOUSANDS of euros in the account.
These are your PRESENT-DAY WEAPONS!!!
They want to TAKE away from you your PRESENT-DAY WEAPONS!
They want you unarmed and vulnerable!
They want to subjugate you!
Tell them to COME & GET IT!
*BUT* Give them NOTHING! dev56"""

So I get periodical emails for all kind of re kyc requests which directly find the way to my email bin as Im done engaging with them, with some of them this goes on for years and nothing ever happened (accounts still open btw, not one has been closed).
100% this!
Thank you for noticing! I thought it was only me (and countless others on WorldCheck)*** who were targets.

*** PS. They tried to take me to trial 4 times. Max is 3 times, but the "Law" wiped their a*s with their "sacred" Constitution. :rolleyes: I got acquitted ALL 4 times and went PRO SE during the trial (this REALLY PISSED THEM OFF smi(&%) every time and testified on my behalf all 4 times so that I could bring in questions/answers the prosecutor's co-counsel, they call him "impartial" judge, would NOT allow :p
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I´m a non EEA resident and opened a fully verified personal account at Bankera back in 2021. Since then (almost 3 years) I only moved LESS THAN 3 EUROS (I just have the account as a buffer between non-crypto friendly banks and exchanges and as I don't do too much crypto I never have to really used it). The 2 transactions (again, LESS THAN 3 EUROS) were made from/to my OWN accounts in Europe (never sent or received from any crypto exchange)
At the end of December they sent me an e-mail requesting to re-verify the account. That's ok with me and I started the process and completed the KYC forms again. Since then the nightmare begun, they keep requesting REALLY SENSITIVE AND INTRUSIVE information about me. I have nothing to hide and diligently provided 2023 tax returns, utility bills, bank statements (both in Europe and in my home country), crypto addresses, etc. But THAT WAS NOT ENOUGH for them. Now they are asking licenses, more bank statements, investment receipts, invoices, contracts, and an endless list of documents just like if I were (or had) to move TENS OF THOUSANDS of euros in the account. I repeat for the third time because this is unbelievable: I only moved 3 EUROS in 3 YEARS with them and FROM/TO MY OWN ACCOUNTS. In the KYC forms I only stated that my maximum planned operation with the account could be between 3000 and 5000 Euros (and not every month but perhaps once or twice A YEAR).
Bankera approach is clearly not rational
I recently re-verified mine, used it once years ago, never again, just reverified so it didn't become locked, no intention of using and generally speaking probably wise not to when a processor is asking for re-verification over and over or frequently/yearly if nothing has changed.
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I recently re-verified mine, used it once years ago, never again, just reverified so it didn't become locked, no intention of using and generally speaking probably wise not to when a processor is asking for re-verification over and over or frequently/yearly if nothing has changed.
The money shown in the bank statements I provided (European Bank) LARGELY COVERS the maximum annual limit of theirs (which I'm NOT even planning to use at all, just a small fraction of it). I also filed them my annual tax returns and plenty of other paperwork. Nevertheless they keep requesting piles of documents just like I stated I want to move millions of euros through the account.
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Yes, correct. I'm in South America now
Be very careful when you share your documents.
Please refer to this guide:
A junior compliance officer on his probationary period (if not on the first day at work) can often copy the whole compliance database on a usb drive, and later sell the ID-s on a black market.
This might not be the case with some banks, but EMI-s, lol, some of them are ran from co-working spaces without even a proper dedicated office. You are completely on Gods will.
s**t is happening all the time:
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Be very careful to share your documents.
Please refer to this guide:
A junior compliance officer on his probationary period (if not on the first day at work) can often copy the whole compliance database on a usb drive, and later sell the ID-s on a black market.
This might not be the case with some banks, but EMI-s, lol, some of them are ran from co-working spaces without even a proper dedicated office. You are completely on Gods will.
s**t is happening all the time:
Well noted thu&¤#. Thank you
That´s one of the reasons I refused to continue sending them endless amounts of personal and private documents.

They obviously don't want you as a customer. Just close the account and move on. There are plenty of other alternatives available to non-EEA residents.
Yes, It´s clear they don't want non-EEA customers anymore because the amounts of documentation they requested for someone who has not made any relevant transaction (nor it's stating its wish to do so) is ludicrous.
For non-EEA (personal use) I just know WISE, Bankera and the recently "launched" SwissMoney (whose reviews here in the forum are not that good, specially for its VERY HIGH fees). Then I also know Dukascopy but it's almost the same than bankera (extremely low limits of just EUR 3000 every 4 months)
If you know any other, please advise.
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youre not forced to go along with this. Let me add some context to this to make my point clearer.

I happens the other ways too. I have like 4 bank accounts which I wanted and still want to close. Somehow the banks play dumbf. and just cannot process a simple account closure without wanting me to travel to their precious branch in a far away land (I know it can be done easily by just giving instructions as Ive opened and closed many accounts over the years).
So I get periodical emails for all kind of re kyc requests which directly find the way to my email bin as Im done engaging with them, with some of them this goes on for years and nothing ever happened (accounts still open btw, not one has been closed).
To close an account, you should withdraw all funds and send an official letter, recorded delivery, simply stating that you have now closed the account.

Even if they lose or ignore your letter, after a few years, the account will become 'dormant' and finally closed.
I´m a non EEA resident and opened a fully verified personal account at Bankera back in 2021. Since then (almost 3 years) I only moved LESS THAN 3 EUROS (I just have the account as a buffer between non-crypto friendly banks and exchanges and as I don't do too much crypto I never have to really used it). The 2 transactions (again, LESS THAN 3 EUROS) were made from/to my OWN accounts in Europe (never sent or received from any crypto exchange)
I don't understand why you bother spending so much time explaining here or to Bankera. If you really think you've only transferred 3 EUROS in your account, then just close the account or ignore them.

I believe Bankera charges some monthly fees for account management; wouldn’t they just consume your balance in costs or something?
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I don't understand why you bother spending so much time explaining here or to Bankera. If you really think you've only transferred 3 EUROS in your account, then just close the account or ignore them.

I believe Bankera charges some monthly fees for account management; wouldn’t they just consume your balance in costs or something?
Just because I'm outraged. There aren't too many EMIs/Banks available for non-EEA residents.
If the existent very few take the same incoherent approach than Bankera, that would leave us without options (other than pure crypto of course).
I understand the AML regulations, all my money is bright clean and I proved so but it seems that's not enough for them and they also want to sleep with me in my bed every night.
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Just because I'm outraged. There aren't too many EMIs/Banks available for non-EEA residents.
If the existent very few take the same incoherent approach than Bankera, that would leave us without options (other than pure crypto of course).
I understand the AML regulations, all my money is bright clean and I proved so but it seems that's not enough for them and they also want to sleep with me in my bed every night.
Get long term visa in schengen, then you have more options
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I have Italian passport. I just don't live in Europe.
There aren't too many options available for non-EEA residents.
It could make a difference regardless.
EU citizenship shows that you have a right to stay in the country and visit Schengen countries for tourism purposes, while for example a digital nomad visa allows you to work and do business in an EU country, so it naturally offers more substance.
My recommendation stems from experience + hearing this directly from an onboarding assistant of an EMI, when getting a pre-approval for a UAE structure that wasn't yet formed at the time.
It could make a difference regardless.
EU citizenship shows that you have a right to stay in the country and visit Schengen countries for tourism purposes, while for example a digital nomad visa allows you to work and do business in an EU country, so it naturally offers more substance.
My recommendation stems from experience + hearing this directly from an onboarding assistant of an EMI, when getting a pre-approval for a UAE structure that wasn't yet formed at the time.
Perhaps it makes a difference when they onboard complex corporate structures where UBO really matters but I'm looking for a personal account.
In these cases, what EMI always ask first is the country of residence (and obviously I won't use fake utility bills or anything bogus as I don't want to end up with a frozen account).
Options for non-EEA residents seem to be REALLY limited.
Be very careful when you share your documents.
Please refer to this guide:
A junior compliance officer on his probationary period (if not on the first day at work) can often copy the whole compliance database on a usb drive, and later sell the ID-s on a black market.
This might not be the case with some banks, but EMI-s, lol, some of them are ran from co-working spaces without even a proper dedicated office. You are completely on Gods will.
s**t is happening all the time:
That’s one of the many reasons why you should protect yourself using imaginary friends.

I have Italian passport. I just don't live in Europe.
There aren't too many options available for non-EEA residents.
You could pretend to live in Italy. In the Mentor Gold Group you can find out how.
I have Italian passport. I just don't live in Europe.
There aren't too many options available for non-EEA residents.

Just register in Cyprus and get a EU residency for banking purposes.
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