bank for wire transfers for binary

Do you have a license for your business activity? if so it is not a problem to find a bank that will accept you! If you don't have a license it is almost impossible to find anything reliable and you may better use some of the current digital currency providers as alternative banking.
It is not going to work legally at least. You will need to have some intermediary banking platform like advance cash or worldcore!
Why so many companies provide this service from Belize and Seychelles companies? Don't they are licensed?
They operate without license, they have setup a entire fake business

I'm looking into the banking issue you have.. but with the few guys I know into this field it is not possible so far but still there is a response I'm missing.
i myself have solutions around 5k-10k euro but i still want to look for better alternatives - because even if you pay this amount for a bank, no one guarantee that the bank wont close those accounts in the future .
Reactions: negon
That's true. I would never pay that much money for a bank account. 1. they are free to open if you know how to do that or have a direct contact at the bank! 2. as you said, there is no guarantee that they will open the account! 3. Even if they open the account for you for whatever reason they can shut down the account again!

There are too many factors that make it not worth to pay such money for a simple bank account. It is worth to put some work into this and start contacting banks at your own.
banks don`t like unregulated businesses, think of it that people are loosing their money want their money backs, they use everything file a complaint to the bank and more.

because of it, sometimes it doesn't worth for the bank .
Reactions: negon
Another reason could be that they get afraid of the business depending on the volume that go through the account. Typically they then start to ask questions and temp. close the account.
Reactions: JohnLocke
OP why don't you make a coverpage and setup a business that don't requre a license? It may be how most others are doing. Or you obtain a financial service license and can apply with almost any bank for your business?! I know the last option may not be good since it is complicated and expensive but just wanted to mention it.
Reactions: DeepDrilling
I heard there are German banks that accept Bitcoin trading. But on the other hand. Is it required to tell them what you are doing? if the don't like bitcoins why tell them what you are into? You could show just a regular high trafficated e-com site or not?
Reactions: DeepDrilling