Do you really believe that Southeast Asians are "warm and friendly"They also manage to have absolutely no good food and the culture seems overall less warm and friendly compared to its neighbours.
Sad that you have that impression, couldn't be further from the truthDo you really believe that Southeast Asians are "warm and friendly"(?)
They are superficial and their warmth is that of an ice block. Do not confuse an apparently courteous attitude with "friendliness and warmth". Southeast Asians will sell you at their next best opportunity. Do not trust any of them!
Doubt anyone actually collects any tax in Cambodia. Malaysia is not attractive for taxation and Thailand, if we assume you follow the rules, is more also.
With regards to Cambodia, better play by the book. You make yourself an easy target otherwise.Doubt anyone actually collects any tax in Cambodia. Malaysia is not attractive for taxation and Thailand, if we assume you follow the rules, is more also.