BAFIN in Germany / Jobcenter/Sozialamt/ Bundeszentralamt für Steuern

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At now i have a little money on YOUHODLER because BTC = 3 & and another StableCoins = 8 %

It is a EU Regulation Crypto Exchanger but not an EMI. But they can desposit and withdraw FIAT so am a little sceptical

I have question the Support of this (CRS(FACTA):

Its forwardet to Compliance-Spezialist

i am Waiting of Answer

Option is transfer to CH in EUR or in Cryptocurccenys also.
On Dukascopy is not good to hold Crypto because

Custody fee =5%/year

The Fee (Custode fee) charged monthly. The fee is calculated from your balance at the end of the trading Balance * ( 5 % / 360).


Investment delivery to blockchain
30 CHF + 1%

Investors who have bought Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH) or Tether (USDT) as an investment have the option to request delivery to their blockchain wallet instead of just selling the investment.

These are extortionate prices

Swissquote crypto hold (only 3 Crypto Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) und Tezos (XTZ) ) is fee free.only withdraw 10 USD. BUYING 1 %

But not problem go to FTX/KRAKEN/BITFINEX (Outside EU) or Ledger Wallet
Good to know, it could help someone. Thanks for sharing.
AIA is a German term for AEOI (International Automatic Exchange of Information in Tax Matters) – the agreement that is the framework for CRS (Common Reporting Standard)
And AEOI is similar in principles to FATCA but independent of it. These mechanisms are running simultaneously.
In this document i see <10.000 CHF/EUR for Electronic Money (EMI) CRS ?
See Art. 16. It is true that the current wording of paragraphs b. and c. induces some doubts re: reporting of Dukascopy and SQ accounts, as a clause corresponding to par. c is IMO missing in these cases. I remember that ~1 year ago accounts never reaching the 10k threshold were claimed as not reported... (it was discussed even here at forums, evt. search for it). I think it is worth to ask Dukascopy / SQ support directly. (Honestly, I think it is not a very frequent situation, to have constantly less than 10k on the standard current account, so perhaps it can be overlooked by info pages and FAQs...)
Swissquote Answer:

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your message.

All accounts are subject to the banking secrecy in Switzerland. Please note however that international agreements between Switzerland and the country of residence determine which information, if any, is shared with the authorities.

For further details on the "Automatic Exchange of Information in Tax Matters", we invite you to consult our FAQ's or the OECD website.

Should you have any further questions, please contact our Customer Care on +41 44 825 88 88 (Monday – Friday, 08:00-22:00 CET).

Yours faithfully,

I see only this on Site:
Q12) Wird mein Konto auch dann gemeldet, wenn ich kein Guthaben auf meinem Konto habe?

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Oh. In the morning I recallled. (It was really ~year ago, when I encountered this information.) It concerned Dukascopy and the trick was as follows: When they onboard you, they set an initial limit for your account, usually 10k (or even less in some cases), that you cannot overpass otherwise your money are send back to you (to another account of yours, or you can pick up the cash). You can ask for increasing this limit (and in fact, you are a little bit expected to do so after some time) but you need not. And until you do, the relationship between you and bank fulfills the demands of Art. 16 b and c, so it is not reported... And if they preserved the policy of initial limits (~2 months ago it was so, as I heard), it should be still valid.
I was thinking that some analogy applies to Swissquote and Flowbank, too; as per your investigations, it seems that it is not so, at least for Swissquote. So really sorry for spreading the (partially) incorrect information. (Fortunately, opening an account ith SQ costs nothing...)
I have a forwarded message to swissquote open. The forex support answer bt i will have a law/special deparment answer. I still waiting. And its not happy i will close the SQ account and tranfer to Wise. Its only 500 EUR at moment.


Dear client,

Thank you for your message.

For regulatory and legal reasons, we cannot solve account related questions over the chat or by e-mail.

If you need assistance with your account, please contact our Customer Care on +41 44 825 88 88 (Monday - Friday, 08:00-22:00 CET).

For trading related questions please chose the line "1".

You can send us a message over the contact form if you wish.

Yours faithfully,

I can not close the accound by email
They need A LETTTER to Switzerland

My Account is longer opening but until now they have not my TIN
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Dukascopy question me by e-Mail (personally Operator Women) my income, jobs (how long) and names of companys

Its more personally as Swissquote (only Telephone and calls cost me to Swizerland).....Flowbank also more personally/basiclly

Let's wait and see if they take me in

i have cancel Swissqoute by FAX and i hope it works.

WE LIVE IN 2022 with Digital

Not in Swissquote

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your message.

It is not posible to close an account by email or in the chat.

If you would like to close the account, please send us a signed letter including the closing instructions to the following address:

Swissquote Bank Ltd

Ch. de la Crétaux 33

Case Postale 319

CH-1196 Gland


As soon as we receive your payment and delivery instructions for your liquid assets and securities, we will close your account and send you the closing documents.

In order to improve our service, we kindly ask you to mention the reason for the closing.

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone on +41 44 825 88 88. Our customer care agents will be at your service from Monday to Friday 08h00 - 22h00.

Yours faithfully,

I have a answer of YUH.COM
This is offerfor young People and from Swisssquote

So its 99,9 % the same as Swissquote procedure

In German:

Hallo xxxxxxxx

Leider haben wir dich telefonisch nicht erreicht.

Bei Yuh erfolgt der automatische Informationsaustausch auch, wenn man kein Guthaben auf dem Konto hat.

Bis bald
Deine Yuh Crew

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Today my Dukascopy Account is activated

But i have no answer of CRS/FACTA Artikel 16.

Incoming Quarterly Limit = 5000.00 USD​

Defines the maximum amount of your regular income that can be deposited on a Multi-Currency Account within a quarter.

Equity Limit = 50000.00 USD​

Defines the maximum amount of funds that can be kept on your account at a time.

You may file a request for the limits increase in client cabinet under the Limits section. More information about the limits can be found on website.

Kind regards,

20. Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) Important information: Switzerland has adopted the OECD Common Reporting Standard for AEOI ensuring declaration of bank accounts to tax authorities about (and only about) clients having tax residence in a Partner State. Partner States are all countries which signed an agreement for AEOI with Switzerland as per the list available at: nalesteuerpolitik/automatischerinformationsaustausch.h tml. Dukascopy is obliged by Swiss law to report annually to the Swiss Federal Tax Administration (FTA) for AEOI about concerned accounts. As per current regulation, Partner States receiving information are not allowed to forward it to any other state, may only use this information for handling or supervising taxation and must ensure confidentiality of received information. As per current regulation, concerned clients have the following rights under the AEOI Act and the Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP): (i) Vis-à-vis Dukascopy: clients are entitled to the legal protection offered by FADP. In particular, clients have the right to request which information was collected about them for reporting to FTA. On request, Dukascopy shall provide clients with a copy of its reports to FTA and/or correct any possible wrong data about them in Dukascopy's systems; (ii) Vis-à-vis FTA: clients have the right to access information and to request that incorrect data about them resulting from errors in the reporting process to FTA be corrected. (iii) For the rest we refer to the article 25a of the Federal Act on Administrative Procedure. As per applicable legislation, the Client is punishable by a fine of up to CHF 10'000 if he provides Dukascopy with false statements or miss to update Dukascopy regarding his situation with AEOI (e.g. if the Client misleads Dukascopy about his tax residence). 20.1. For the needs of AEOI, the Client hereby unconditionally agrees that in case the account holder(s) and/or beneficial owner(s)/controlling person(s) on the account have (or get in the future) tax residence in at least one Partner State, Dukascopy is authorised to report annually to FTA all following information: (i) the full name, date of birth/incorporation, address, country of tax residence, tax identification number (TIN) of individuals/entities linked to the account and having tax residence in a Partner State; (ii) the account number; and Dukascopy Bank SA ICC, Route de Pre-Bois 20, 1215 Geneva 15, Switzerland Tel: +41 (0) 22 799 4888, Fax: +41 (0) 22 799 4880 9/11 (iii) the total annual gross income, gross profit/loss and balance on the account at the end of each calendar year

Sehr geehrter xxxxx

Ihr Konto wird auch bei Null Saldoständen gemeldet.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,


:-( :-( :-(

Then i must close the account :-(

Dukascopy have now closed the account via chat operator (dukascopy 911 app)

In 2-3 Businness days i will get a email confirming account closure

So i can not close BANKERA (they have my TAX ID also) :-(


Option: Bankera Tranfer to Crypto Exchanger and then close Bankea. I will think about it
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Answer of FLOWBANK

Guten Tag xxxxxxxxx

Vielen Dank für Ihre Geduld.

Mir wurde gerade eben mitgeteilt, dass bei der FlowBank alle Konto, unabhängig vom Kontostand, gemeldet werden.

Bei Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne unter +41 22 888 61 50 zur Verfügung.

Live Chat - In dringenden Fällen können Sie gerne auf unserer Website im Chat Ihre Frage stellen.

Freundliche Grüsse


= Account will reported

So i must close also
We are in Offshorecorptalk

No Off-Topic

My solutions after CH Banks not works are now:

Crypto Exchanger:



- WIREX with SEPA and transfers from/to Crypto Exchanger : BACKUP ICARD (both with VISA/Mastercard Cards)
Both have no Tax/TAN of me

- Wise for non crypto (with Cards)

Last but not least Advcash as Last Solution for parking but for me its only a FIAT parking solution (SEPA Transfers withdraw 5 EUR + %)
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