If the person who is trying to reduce taxes himself implicates then he will face consequences.That is a given in any situation.If you open up your a*s for anybody to bang you from behind you will be banged.Still the
offshore company cannot be attacked in any way because they obviously do not fall in the jurisdiction of the EU/US.So nothing can be done against them,if we even go by Nevis
company formation rules it lists no foreign court decree can be applied to them.
Seychelles does not publish its directors list.If the buyer of such services folds only he himself can be in trouble because the other side is watertight both for the client and for themselves .There is nothing the EU/
US tax agencies can do about it.Simply it is not their jurisdiction to do anything there.Once the money goes into a blackhole its stays there.So unless the buyer of such services is a sucker he cant get caught .