What the Dickens do i care ?
"Be yourself the world will adjust"
It is survival of the fittest ,however you may do it is immaterial.
Template for handling a cheating wife and a fucking government together:
Borrow a big
loan from a government bank based on your company's earnings and send to an
offshore trust.
Siphon of all your earnings from business to another offshore trust.
Suck out all capital from the business using all means possible.
Keep some
cash and
crypto for running expenses.
Stop paying the loans back.Declare
Pay nothing to the cheating wife.
Get divorced for free.
Wait for everything to cool down.
Get out of the country take new
Let those who cheated you suck their thumb.
Keep a million for your kid, a million for yourself and rest in an emergency fund.
You get settled with a 19 year old chick with hot pussy in some other country and see the fun.