When working with different companies in the US a lot times you will be asked for you Tax ID where you can use your EIN number. A lot of people who are outside of US were concerned about this in my my Shopify thread so here is how to get yours but this method will work for anyone who needs an EIN number. Here is a step by step guide on how you can get yours.
For NON-US people, a TIN may be an EIN (for individuals and businesses) or an ITIN (for individuals only).
An EIN may be obtained by filing IRS Form SS-4, (Application for Employer Identification Number).
The application may be completed over the telephone by calling 001-267-941-1099 or by fax ( approximately 4 business days) and by mail (approximately 4 weeks).
Before you call IRS, make sure you have all the preparation you need:
Have a pen and paper
Filled SS4 form
All the info and correctly spelled:
Your sole proprietor business /your full name
Your Tax File Number
Your full address,
Your city
Your postal code
Your country
Make sure if you have “-“ , “/” to spell it correctly
Questions on the call:
Do you have a fax machine?
Where are you calling from?
What is your name, business name, mailing address?
Where is your business based?
What is the nature of your business?
Have you applied for an EIN before?
Do you have an ITIN?
Will you be using any US employees in the next 12 months?
1. Download SS4 from the IRS website:-
2. Download instructions on how to fill in SS4 from the IRS website:-
3. Read the instructions carefully and fill in the SS4 form
4. Phone the IRS (Department for international issues) on this number 00 - 1-267-941-1099
Write down the name of the IRS person
Example call:
Hi I am calling from ……
I am ….. and I am the sole proprietor of my own business.
I am an entrepreneur – I am using Shopify to sell my products online
I would like to ask if I can get an EIN number for work done in the USA
which is also required by Shopify. I have no fax machine so I would like
to make the application by phone.
5. Go through the SS4 form with the IRS person
After filling the SS4 form, the IRS person will give you a 9 digit EIN number.
Make sure you WRITE IT DOWN!
The paperwork with your EIN NUMBER will arrive in about one month later.
See if everything is OK with the papers and if not you have an option to correct and send them back to IRS for correction.
6. Make copies of your SS4 and EIN paperwork to keep for your records.
7. Use the EIN number where ever you may need it