Any BANKERA feedback?

They say they are a registered agent of Pervesk, an EMI from Lithuania...haven't read where they store your money (who is their custodian). Lithuania as a safe place doesn't ring any bells either... I wonder what all those successful cases mentioned by @Gediminas actually come from and how many are still active after opening...haven't yet found a trustworthy EMI (that could really tick all (or most) of the boxes), but perhaps those in the know would care to enlighten us?

PS: the fact that they pay @Admin for advertising space on this site is guarantee of NOTHING...other than they've got a few $$$ to spare. I'm quite convinced the site doesn't take any responsibility if anything goes wrong when dealing with them, correct? there, I said it...
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What about the fact that Bankera had one of the most successful ICO's in history?

One of the, as you say, custodians, where they store the money, is Bank of Lithuania.
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What about the fact that Bankera had one of the most successful ICO's in history?
What's that got to do with anything? Wework's guys were rather successful I'd say in fooling idiots with their scheme for a substantial profit...does that mean they're good?

One of the, as you say, custodians, where they store the money, is Bank of Lithuania.
Do you mean the money is parked with the Central Bank? Haven't seen that anywhere, nor that having a direct chat with them resulted in me being pointed in that direction or led to any link of that sort...

All I could find (by myself, not having to dig too deep, anyway) was this link Why Are Your Funds Safe? - which amounts to zero squared in terms of giving any meaningful answer. Mr. Obvious was present in class that day...

I think you can find these answers in the blog:

So what are you trying to say? I don't see any logic there. What's your point?

By mentioning ICO I was trying to say they are here to do business, not to play any games.
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It is easy to find that, however it explains the square root of zero when it comes to actual application or money storage. A vague, general description of Mr. Obvious on the differences between fractional and non-fractional reserve banking...
So what are you trying to say? I don't see any logic there. What's your point?
Damn it, I hate it when people start behaving like this. Aren't you the one who started the ICO BS? I just meant to say taht to me your comment equals siht and I don't think a successful ICO means anything other than raising cash for SELF interests. Period.
By mentioning ICO I was trying to say they are here to do business, not to play any games.
That's untrue. They raised capital, that's the only thing they did with it. The rest is your assumption.

Let's agree to disagree and stop polluting the thread. There aren't any TANGIBLES provided in your replies that will make me change the way I think as of now. If anyone has had any REAL experience for longer than say 9 months with them, then I'll be more than happy to read about it. Let's forget the rest, please.
Claiming that you are a ''registered agent'', ''introducer'' or ''partner'' of any EMI in Lithuania doesn't mean ANYTHING

9/10 of the EMIs can be open without any assistance

Both agent and EMI are owned by the same team. It's just a corporate structure for Bankera product.

Furthermore, I agree that Lithuania is not Switzerland or Luxembourg, but for Bankera it's a natural choice as the owners are Lithuanians and they have offices and team in Lithuania.
Lithuania has huge ambition to become a Fintech Hub of Europe and for Bankera it's logical choice.
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So what changes if somebody opens an account with Bankera or with Pervesk?
Are this the same owners of Pacific Private Bank in Vanuatu?
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lol...let me get this straight...those 3 (forget Spectrowhatever) are owned BY THE SAME PEOPLE? WTF is this? @Gediminas is that why you're pushing/praising and such, perhaps longtime room mates or school colleagues?

Bloody hell, I mean really...I was thinking of going with PPB in Vanuatu and give them a test, but this has now red flags all over the place and looks shady indeed. Definitely need some real feedback from anyone having dealt and/or been with them long enough before making any about conflict of interest...

I guess PPB's claim of being in operation since 1997 can go down the drain now, then?

No need to raise these questions once again. I agreed to disagree with you. So just wait for 9 months and we can come back to this question, right? You are more than welcome to wait for as long as you need it. I am here for long.
PPB is not th best option whether it is related to bankera/pervesk or not
No debit cards, expensive fees
Process is quite fast i would say
Only EUR account if i am not mistaken

If an advertiser is praising or not, you should not care
Obviously he will try to assist people and sell his services, because that is what he does, no?

You need to make your own research and it should not end on this forum

Just because x number of users in a forum say that a company/bank is not good (or it is great) it doesnt mean that they are right
Just because x number of users in a forum say that a company/bank is not good (or it is great) it doesnt mean that they are right
I agree, but we are all here on the forum to learn from each other and to get the best help

Obviously he will try to assist people and sell his services, because that is what he does, no?
Totally agree, we will all push our business as much as we can, that does not mean it has to be a phony operation. There are many agressive but good business people around. I agree, there are also the shady one's they will always be around where the crowd is.

Bankera or Pervesk didn't have any relationship with MT ever.
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