I don't have much money in there. I had reasons for opening the account. Now it's almost impossible to get my money out! They have effectively blocked me even from logging in. Message said I was logging in from an "unknown device" (NOT!) and I had to reset my password. But the the "secret questions" had nothing to do with the ones I originally entered and I couldn't answer them. Call them? Forget it. Now from emails, I needed to make an APPOINTMENT (with a form online) to speak with Devin Baldo, [email protected], supposedly head of Global Client Service. An appointment? Get real! I scheduled my "appointment" to speak with him at 7:40 this morning...although I have explained (complained) about everything in emails.
Although they said they are "in St. Vincent and the Grenadines," I'm pretty sure their governing entity is in Puerto Rico. I'm going to file a complaint against them.
Exactly, I am new customer of the EPB, and so far everything is working perfectly.The fact that someone had bad experience with them does not automatically classify them as scammers. We know what and who is a scammer, non-existent banks that make you pay a deposit and then disappear ... and I have seen a few. EPB is not a great bank, but they have customer support, you can call them or even video chat with them on Skype and try to find a solution. They are expensive and do not favor my business at all, but I would not call them scammers.
My business is totally legal, I think if you do not do anything illegal you will not have problems with them.
Glad you like the bank. Hopefully your account is/will be declared to taxman in your home country as everything is legal as you say. Lets continue this conversation same time next year.
Euro Pacific Bank dataleak?
Yes, my account is declared in my country of origin. I have nothing to hide.
Don't take this question the wrong way as I am not being rude at all. But can I ask why of all the banks on the planet you choose to bank in a bankrupt third world country with a shell bank you know nothing about financially?
Perhaps what you may tell me may change my stance on the bank.
My company is located in Nevis, and I honestly have not found another bank available for my business. Do you have any suggestion ?
This exactly what I was suspecting and posted on other threads in this forum. That people that use them are 99% tax evaders or cannot find another bank anywhere to bank an offshore company. You fall into the 1% who cannot bank an entity anywhere else so use EPB and defend them as they opened the door for you all the while knowing next to nothing about the bank.
Did you try Bank of Nevis | Improving the Quality of Life
Can I ask why you have chosen a Nevis company? Perhaps I can suggest better solutions that fit your needs once I know what they are exactly. There has to be a really good reason you have chosen a Nevis company after all
"Bank of Nevis" I have not tried, do you have good rating on them?
I have an ad network, the company basically gets money from advertisers and pays our publishers, basically that. I opened the company in Nevis, basically because they have 0% tax. Do you have a better suggestion?
BRWhich country are you based in? There maybe favorable parts of your tax code that will allow you to benefit in other ways.
So with all thisnoise
posted here, is this a SCAM or is this just a bank in trouble?