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Euro Pacific bank is a Scam!

Looks like someone was so pissed at the smooth talking charlatan Peter Schiff they created an entire youtube channel called Peter Schitt exposing him ja334¤¤#.

Peter Schitt

Another great prediction (see below) of 2018 market by the incompetent scammer Peter Schiff....lol. If you want to make money do the complete opposite of what Peter Schiff advises as he is consistently wrong thu&¤#. Truth is he will be screaming a "dollar collapse" well into most peoples retirement. It is fun to hope the dollar will collapse but face reality and don't invest money with him on that premise for something that may not happen in your great great grand kids lifetime :(.

I don't have much money in there. I had reasons for opening the account. Now it's almost impossible to get my money out! They have effectively blocked me even from logging in. Message said I was logging in from an "unknown device" (NOT!) and I had to reset my password. But the the "secret questions" had nothing to do with the ones I originally entered and I couldn't answer them. Call them? Forget it. Now from emails, I needed to make an APPOINTMENT (with a form online) to speak with Devin Baldo, [email protected], supposedly head of Global Client Service. An appointment? Get real! I scheduled my "appointment" to speak with him at 7:40 this morning...although I have explained (complained) about everything in emails.

Although they said they are "in St. Vincent and the Grenadines," I'm pretty sure their governing entity is in Puerto Rico. I'm going to file a complaint against them.

Well, just great! EPB's "new" web site sucks, and I have confirmed it still again! While during the phone conversation with Devin Baldo, when I wanted to wire the amount to close my account, the amount that was shown did not say "available balance." He told me to deduct $30 from what was shown.

I logged in today, and I have a $30 balance! No way to get that money, because it would cost me $30 (EPB fees alone) to wire it. I'll just have to leave it in EPB to be eaten up by the monthly fees.

It has been a very expensive ordeal to get most of my money out of EPB, not to mention unnecessary hassle, frustration, and time spent. I can't remember a worse experience. They can be assured I will publicize this horror story every chance I get.

I will see if my wire arrives at my bank in Panama this time!

Dorothy Atwater
The fact that someone had bad experience with them does not automatically classify them as scammers. We know what and who is a scammer, non-existent banks that make you pay a deposit and then disappear ... and I have seen a few. EPB is not a great bank, but they have customer support, you can call them or even video chat with them on Skype and try to find a solution. They are expensive and do not favor my business at all, but I would not call them scammers.
The fact that someone had bad experience with them does not automatically classify them as scammers. We know what and who is a scammer, non-existent banks that make you pay a deposit and then disappear ... and I have seen a few. EPB is not a great bank, but they have customer support, you can call them or even video chat with them on Skype and try to find a solution. They are expensive and do not favor my business at all, but I would not call them scammers.
Exactly, I am new customer of the EPB, and so far everything is working perfectly.
Transfer of input ok, and transfer of output processed in less than 24 hours.

My business is totally legal, I think if you do not do anything illegal you will not have problems with them.
My business is totally legal, I think if you do not do anything illegal you will not have problems with them.

Glad you like the bank. Hopefully your account is/will be declared to taxman in your home country as everything is legal as you say. Lets continue this conversation same time next year. thu&¤#

Euro Pacific Bank dataleak?
Yes, my account is declared in my country of origin. I have nothing to hide.

Cool thu&¤#

Don't take this question the wrong way as I am not being rude at all :(. But can I ask why of all the banks on the planet you choose to bank in a bankrupt third world country with a shell bank you know nothing about financially?

Perhaps what you may tell me may change my stance on the bank thu&¤#.
Cool thu&¤#

Don't take this question the wrong way as I am not being rude at all :(. But can I ask why of all the banks on the planet you choose to bank in a bankrupt third world country with a shell bank you know nothing about financially?

Perhaps what you may tell me may change my stance on the bank thu&¤#.

My company is located in Nevis, and I honestly have not found another bank available for my business. Do you have any suggestion ?
My company is located in Nevis, and I honestly have not found another bank available for my business. Do you have any suggestion ?

This exactly what I was suspecting and posted on other threads in this forum. That people that use them are 99% tax evaders or cannot find another bank anywhere to bank an offshore company. You fall into the 1% who cannot bank an entity anywhere else so use EPB and defend them as they opened the door for you all the while knowing next to nothing about the bank :(.

Did you try Bank of Nevis | Improving the Quality of Life

Can I ask why you have chosen a Nevis company? Perhaps I can suggest better solutions that fit your needs once I know what they are exactly thu&¤#. There has to be a really good reason you have chosen a Nevis company after all hap¤#".
This exactly what I was suspecting and posted on other threads in this forum. That people that use them are 99% tax evaders or cannot find another bank anywhere to bank an offshore company. You fall into the 1% who cannot bank an entity anywhere else so use EPB and defend them as they opened the door for you all the while knowing next to nothing about the bank :(.

Did you try Bank of Nevis | Improving the Quality of Life

Can I ask why you have chosen a Nevis company? Perhaps I can suggest better solutions that fit your needs once I know what they are exactly thu&¤#. There has to be a really good reason you have chosen a Nevis company after all hap¤#".

"Bank of Nevis" I have not tried, do you have good rating on them?

I have an ad network, the company basically gets money from advertisers and pays our publishers, basically that. I opened the company in Nevis, basically because they have 0% tax. Do you have a better suggestion?
"Bank of Nevis" I have not tried, do you have good rating on them?

After using EPB you will find that absolutely every bank will have a better rating or will be around longer ns2. You are always going to be scrapping the bottom on the barrel to find a bank with a Nevis company but no need to dig into the dirt under the barrel itself to be banked.

I have an ad network, the company basically gets money from advertisers and pays our publishers, basically that. I opened the company in Nevis, basically because they have 0% tax. Do you have a better suggestion?

You know your still liable for tax in your home country with a Nevis company as the effective place of control and operation is in your home country. I am presuming you don't live in a tax free country and CFC rules apply. You may be better of considering the use of an Estonian company which only pays tax when profits are distributed. Meaning you can pay your self a small salary and retain profits indefinitely tax free in the company by not paying out any dividend. However CFC rules may still apply.

Right now your Nevis company I would assume is transparent to tax authorities for tax purposes. Meaning they would treat any income the company makes as if you are directly making it and hence tax it as if you directly earned the money.

Which country are you based in? There maybe favorable parts of your tax code that will allow you to benefit in other ways.

The CFC rules in BR is as I described..no surprise. In your case the offshore company is declared as you said and you will pay tax as I described above i.e as if the Nevis company was invisible and you earned the money directly. Apart from getting an English set of corporate documents for the Nevis company the Nevis company will offer you no advantage tax wise, business wise or bank wise. You will need to do the accounts for the Nevis company as BR will require it I guess even though Nevis does not (seek professional advice). You should have just opened a UK company for £12 online with the UK government as you can claim tax credits in BR for any tax you pay in UK. A UK company will offer more places to open a bank account also. Both Nevis and UK company you would need to do accounts for. Else how do you prove anything to BR taxman?:(

CFC Rules For Brazilian Resident Individuals - Tax - Brazil

Set up a private limited company

It still don't make sense to me why you would open the company and declare it unless you don't understand how CFC rules work :(.
So with all this troll¤##noisetroll¤## posted here, is this a SCAM or is this just a bank in trouble?
So with all this troll¤##noisetroll¤## posted here, is this a SCAM or is this just a bank in trouble?

Whether the bank is a scam or not is the least of peoples worries now who use it (see below link). nai¤% The bank has been busted and is on the radar now of authorities. A legal case may be very swift in putting this bank out of business.

Euro Pacific Bank dataleak?
OKAY I see.. so I'm glad I never used them for large amounts.
This Euro Pacific Bank client report on trust pilot below is all too common with Euro Pacific Bank and should set of alarm bells. Account closure the banks says now takes 15-30 days and that is in a good situation ja334¤¤#. Why so long?

This Euro Pacific response even repeats a claim in a public space that the bank refuses to prove by publishing their complete financials. Be very afraid of dealing with this bank nai¤%.

Jas gave Europacbank 1 star. Check out the full review...

And Euro Pacific Banks response....


Hello Jas,

Thank you for your honest feedback and we are constantly aiming to better our client services and will address this servicing issues to our management team.

Account closures can take from 15-30 days from start to end and i can assure you that as a 100% reserve bank solvency is not an issue that our clients' have to be concerned with.

Have a great day.

Euro Pacific Bank


It’s not a scam. It’s probably not the best bank around. But I bank with them since 2015 and never had big problems with them. They offer support.
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