Rancid? BWAHAHA, you didn't fit in so you're giga-coping trying to talk it down. It is okay to be a simple man and not have an appreciation for the finer things. You've never even heard of the aforementioned clubs even less so the 3 Michelin star restaurant in Provence, which you've likely never been too.Lol. You just proved my point. You sound like the typical Riviera wannabe fanboy that's never been an actual resident. Those clubs you mentioned are rancid.
And by the way, you clearly lack imagination (and boots on the ground experience) if you didn't get the Gucci hat-wearing "pension-payer" line. I was referring to a totally different demographic that anyone with half a brain and a few days in the Riviera would get.
I'm quite happy with my decision of leaving that part of the world, don't worry about me pal, it's all good. I'll go work on my small biz now and be happy. Cheers sir.
Edit: And good luck getting your Carte de Sejour by staying in Monaco for 3-4 months. Again, your lack of experience is blatantly obvious.
I'm not a fan boy, I am a part time resident, I spend my entire summers there, not in Monaco, but in France. The demographic in Monaco, like the rest of the Riveria, is affluent Europeans mostly with businesses in all sectors, short of the area around the Monaco casino which has mostly day tourists gawking at cars and shallow Ukrainians and Russians with their accompanying escorts in tow.
I didn't mention tax residency in Monaco. However, with that being said, I personally know multiple people that are Italian that spend 3-4 months in Monaco and have multiple homes in Europe and still maintain tax residency in Monaco. They own property in Monaco. It is a farce that Monaco authorities hyper focus on trying to nail people that spend less then 183 days per year in Monaco, unless they're undesirable and they use it as a pretext to revoke residency.
So where do you live now? Eastern Europe? LATM? Clearly not UK as you disliked London apparently after walking around it for 5 minutes

The dude doesn't know what he's talking about. D*ck riding a jurisdiction he knows nothing about. Sad!
Says the guy who moved to Monaco from some s**t hole country only to realize he wasn't affluent enough to maintain any sort of normal quality of life there and now goes around now down talking it with nonsensical statements like "it smells like piss everywhere", "there is no mega cap tech in the Rivera", "those clubs are rancid", "Gucci hat wearing pension payers ruined the vibes", "it's so overrated", "I'm okay with paying my fair share versus being worried about the tax man"...Where do you live again?
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