Of course, no government is better than the other, they are all designed to control and extract wealth and labor from people, while offering nothing to them, basically being a parasitic structure and brainwashing people into thinking that it's needed for their wellbeing and protection (we all see how that works out for western Europe at the moment....wellbeing and protection for the natives seems to be the last thing on the mind of the SELECTED). They all lead into more and more 1984ish style of control and life for people (btw., I am still waiting for the Russian movie "We" to be released internationally, a cinematic release of the book "We" that gave inspiration to George Orwell and Huxley).First, consider this a Public Service Announcement:
What if I told you that all this is "invented" Western propaganda prevaricated by a certain special interest group of physically inferior dastardly parasites (who ALSO hate us) designed to get us to sacrifice ourselves and circumvent our reasoning and logic and tap into & manipulate our "white savior complex" feelings to go to war and also send our loved ones to war to "save" the Chinese people from the evil "CCP" and then repeat EXACTLY what they have repeated in the past numerous times and financially & physically enslave us further?
In a Berkshire Annual Shareholder's Meeting in the mid-90s, Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger quipped the following:
"We need to step outside our culture, environment, and society to witness and experience the shackles they have placed on our thinking."
PS. Do NOT allow people who have ALREADY EXTRACTED & are continuing to EXTRACT value from you (= evil people & thieves) under the threat of violence to talk to you about & distract you vis-à-vis "other evil people" (who have NOT yet extracted value from you).
Or lock us up in prison (been happening for decades already) and then have the Supreme Court support them too...and this is a NORMAL occurrence ALL through the "West" and other regions...
(1) Supreme Court Lets Police Get Away With Jailing Man Who Made Fun Of Them On Facebook
(2) Jailed for a Facebook post: how US police target critics with arrest and prosecution. Felony case is part of what civil rights campaigners say is a disturbing trend of arresting users over innocuous political messages that constitute free speech
(3) Arrests for offensive Facebook and Twitter posts soar in London 625 arrests were made for alleged section 127 offences in 2010
(+13 years ago)
(4) In Britain, police arrest Twitter and Facebook users if they make anti-Muslim statements. Jim Edwards. May 26, 2013.
(+ 10 years ago)
(5) Ad infinitum...
They do NOT need the CBDC to do this... they've been doing it without CBDC for years.
Source: Canadian protester's truck seized, bank accounts frozen over connection to Freedom Convoy. Derek Brouwer said he doesn't know where his truck is or what happened to it. By Amy Nelson Fox News. Published February 21, 2022.
PS. Most "people (read unproductive cowards) in gov" are like this, whether in China, Russia, Canada, the USA, Germany, Mexico, Nepal, Japan, France, Panama, etc., etc. It's akin to thieves and politicians in every part of the world. They steal and they prevaricate. Their religion, race, skin color, beliefs, education etc., etc. are NO antidote to their dastardly parasitic behavior![]()
Having a personal experience of living in China for a few years (and having a Chinese EX-wife), I'd rather not set foot ever again there (for many many reasons).
I don't need western media to tell me the negatives, I see it with my own eyes (and I haven't owned a TV for 25 years).
Not living or being in the EU, I still have freedom to post, do and say what I want, I think they'd arrest me on the first day in the EU after opening my mouth to speak,
At least, right now, we are still able to travel and move to places that have less restrictions or rules regarding personal freedom.
With CBDC's, the incoming digital ID for internet access, and all the other garbage that is planned, there might be no place left to hide from oppression.
I'd rather head for a cave than being a well adjusted member of a sick society then.