I have a long list because I frequently fantasize about going back to the past to rescue myself. Hopefully posting here will serve as catharsis.
Dear Younger Self,
1. Give up on all hope for finding 'the one'. Don't waste any time searching or trying. Consequently, give up on the hope of having children. It's a crime to bring a child into this world.
2. Don't be reckless with your savings because if shtf you don't have what it takes to turn the gun on yourself. You're in this for the long run.
3. Stop wasting time with 'friends'. They are not your friends.
4. Don't give up your first job in order to chase idealistic dreams or risky projects. You're extremely well paid and this has distorted your view on making money. You have no idea how difficult life is outside your bubble. Follow your first boss when he leaves, good bosses are almost impossible to find.
5. Save a lot and invest early. Read more books on
economics/ etc. Read a lot, stay up to date. Diversify. Bank and invest in multiple countries, even if you can't afford much, do what you can. Study emerging economies. Travel. Be frugal. Expect the worse and have a plan B, C, etc.. Countries can turn crazy overnight. Study history.
6. Be careful what info you disclose online, treat everything online as an open book and stay paranoid. Don't use social medial.
7. Give up sugar, follow an anti-inflamatory diet.
8. Learn a martial art even if you learn it poorly.
9. You're only friend and consolation in life will be Arthur Schopenhauer, but don't read his main work too early, it's too dark. His life wisdom however, read it early on, because once you read it you will never feel lonely again.
10. When it comes to financial concepts, if you don't understand something, don't get discouraged or intimidated. It is probably made to sound difficult on purpose, because it's messed up or immoral. You're a slow learner because you need to understand well all the details. Once you'll get it, you'll really get it.
11. As bad as you are (and you are worse than you think), you are the best person I know. Which tells a lot about humanity. Protect yourself from the masses and avoid endevours or businesses that rely too much on human interaction. Most people are driven by envy, a concept which you do not understand. But you must understand that it applies to others or you will fail to understand the world. Be an island.
12. You fail to impose respect and you must work around it. Not only are you a woman, but you have an innocent appearance and the voice of a 11 year old. You also come across as aloof. People assume you are stupid and you must make peace with this. Hell, you can even take it as a compliment. For example, once you'll own real estate, your tenants will not be afraid to be late on their rent and you must use a property management team (which you must vet, vet and vet until you are 100% compatible with them, with 0 red flags). Always use a (well vetted) authority proxy between you and the common person. Something bothers you? Talk to the manager. As Michael Burry put it <<People want an authority to tell them how to value things, but they choose this authority not based on facts or results. They choose it because it feels authorative and familiar. And I am not, nor ever have been, "familiar.">>. Neither are you.
13. Take that sick stray dog to the vet or he'll linger on your conscience. The fear of getting scabies is not an excuse.