Your still not taking responsibility for the lie you told to put me in hot You lied about me to James Spader so what else you lied See your lie below

. Who does this sort of thing but a desperate
Again your lying about "ignoring". I just highlighted the intricacies of war and the Azov Battalion which are
neo n**i's armed by the west. These aint a group or neo n**i's minding their own business they are part of military fighting and being armed by west. I can express my displeasure over giving radical elements weapons without at same time being unsympathetic to Ukraines displaced and killed. I have called for peace since day one.
P.S Don't get so emotional and try an be logical in your thinking it will prevent you from telling future lies based of emotions.
Oh and I called 369 out and asked him to present his source. He did and the debate continued with others challenging it back and forth. Again if you feel in future someone is out of pocket then use the "Report" button and don't lie you reported posts to me and complain to James
@Dreamy is happy to present his source of information confirming their is NO n**i's in Ukraine then I will happily take back what I said. Can't say more than that.