People would be better of right now if they had held
cash or AAA sovereign bonds like I do and said all along

I must admit you were absolutely right, I remember you mentioned exactly this here a few months go. Good for you!
That leads me to a question... who is selling, who is dumping
Bitcoin at the same time coronavirus spreads in USA and Europe and at the same time oil drops and stocks (both US and international) have the worst day in decades?
- Chinese miners? If they wanted to sell, they would've done it a month or two ago when the epidemy peaked in
China. Also they would do it through OTC and not in one flash crash
- Disillusioned Bitcoin hodlers? Doesn't make sense, if they were holding Bitcoin in the past year, they aren't going to sell after such drop (which is HUGE but it happened before)
- Some large player dumping Bitcoin, for example Plustoken founders? Not sure if they can influence the market that much, maybe...
I don't know the answer. It just seems to me that everything is so connected and correlated it is hard to find "value" (whatever that means).
Panic spreads from coronavirus, okay cruise ships and airlines probably are affected; why does e.g. Portuguese wood pulp producer or Polish meat producer or Japanese car accessory manufacturer drop 25 % in a day? Perhaps we really will have an apocalypse soon, and then it will not matter. There will be one uninfected place such as Greenland and the rest of the world will be zombie land.

Panic also spreads from low oil prices, okay American non-conventional producers are affected and devastated (though they may receive some govenment support soon), why does that hurt a Russian natural low-cost gas producer who is actually in a position to benefit from this?
I don't know, either the markets are driven just by algorithmic trading and massively huge ETFs that have to sell according to rules... Or the world is more intertwined than I thought.