Dear readers,
I would like to share some information about the tax residency of Monaco, its do's and don'ts.
First of all, you should ask yourself - can I afford it and is it for me?
On the other hand, it's a safe bet to buy property in Monaco, a very good investment in general.
Feel free to ask any questions if you have or share your knowledge about it.
I would like to share some information about the tax residency of Monaco, its do's and don'ts.
First of all, you should ask yourself - can I afford it and is it for me?
- Very expensive real estate and rentals. The cheapest options are small studios, which, sometimes, isn't big enough for 1 person. This is the most crucial part of your application for the tax residency. If you want to have a safe bet - buy it, so they will clearly see your connection with the Monaco and willingness to stay. 1 bedroom apartment costs will start from 1,5m EUR and if you have a family (wife and/or kids), they should get it as well. Usually, one person has to have around 25 sq. m. of space to be eligible for this.
- Getting a bank account. They do very very deep Due Diligence. The banks don't have any risk appetite at all. If there is something fishy about you - they will decline you without hesitation. If you are an immigrant from a risky country (like Arab or so) - your chances are very low. The minimal deposit will start from 500k, very often they will ask for more, like 1-2-5m. You will have to freeze (invest) this money until you are a resident there.
- To be eligible, if you are not a citizen of EEA or Swiss, you have to get a permanent visa from France.
- To get your residency card, you will have to stay there at least 3 months, but if a Tax Residency Certificate is necessary for you (most likely you will be asked to provide it by your home country), you will have to stay there at least 6 months per year.
- French people and Americans are unable to receive their tax advantage in Monaco.
On the other hand, it's a safe bet to buy property in Monaco, a very good investment in general.
Feel free to ask any questions if you have or share your knowledge about it.