I called yesterday, everything was going smooth until we reached section 8c, when I told the guy that the company was organized IN USA...... AND....., he told me that he understood that I as a foreigner was calling that number and as the compay was not going to make business in the country, so very politely he transfered the call to what he told me was his collegue, and there I was facing again 45 working days for the EIN. Couple of doubts that I still have though, what would have happened if I just say that in section 8c that the company was formed OUTSIDE the USA, what would be the implicances? and secondly, how they determine the 45 working days, if I'm the one that sent the fax.... anyways, the person told me that my applicaton (which I filed and sent by fax a month ago) was not in the system yet
Note: I called before several times and the first question that I've got was if the company was formed IN the country and was rejected inmediately, this last time I thougt someting was different, all conversations in all cases were held in english, no EIN support for spanish as for now. I understand and respect other fellow experiences have been different, I'm not trying to discredit anyone. Hope thos helps!