hmmm, actually Germany is not that innocent as everybody thinks. There is a reason why the Family Offices of the Arab, Russian, Thai etc. Elite are located in Munich. Just a side note for a book in can recommend, if any German is reading this, as this book sadly only exists in German and is called "Steueroase Deutschland" which translates to "Tax Haven Germany" . It's quite easy to do physical cash transactions and hide owner of real estates. That's why the big guys like Jürgen Mossack and like 80% of the Miami offshore scene are Germans. Cum-Ex, VAT Carousels etc. are all "made in Germany" haha. Germany #1 in engineering and offshore . Just want to remind everybody that Germany is ranked #7 in the FSI, before UAE, BVI, UK and other more famous jurisdictions. Source: Financial Secrecy Index - Wikipedia . Germany is just s**t for companies following the "rules" and only do business within Germany. Especially the German working class are the most fucked. But they are too stupid to realize what is going on and kept small by crazy high taxes. In my opinion, it's absolutely ridiculous that everybody trust so much in Germany...It's unbelievable that such a big and trusted German company had such activity
Book: Steueroase Deutschland: Warum bei uns viele Reiche keine Steuern zahlen: Meinzer, Markus: Bücher
It was a little offtopic and not directly Wirecard related, but I think this was a helpful post to understand a little why and how stuff like Wirecard can happen in "trusted" Germany. I could write a lot more about crooked Germany, but this would get too much offtopic.
After a scandal like this it is highly likely that the ropes will again be more tightened.... . So brace yourself for future law changes.... .
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