Why some people are against the democracy ?

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Who will write that law?
What defines property?
What defines private property?
What defines respect to private property?
Who will interpret that law?
Who will enforce that law?
Who will ensure that enforcement is lawful?
How are transgressors punished?
Who punishes the transgressors?
Who will amend that law?
Reactions: troubled soul
Listening to people living in former soviet union, it sounds like life was pretty good over there in the 60s/70s. I have no objection to have just the essential for a decent life (with some margin on the size of living spaces), as long as it is guaranteed.
Reactions: troubled soul
@Martin Everson

-600,000 Americans die from cancer

-300,000 die from obesity

-250,000 die from medical errors

-120,000 die from Alzheimer’s

-55,000 die from flu

-45,000 commit suicide -

-700,000 babies are aborted

-34,000 people die per year in traffic fatalities yet cars can go over 100mph

-40000+ die from drug overdose

"gun violence" kills 5,100 yet 25% of gun violence occurs in 4 cities so only about 75 deaths/state

So you have to ask yourself, in the grand scheme of things, why the focus on guns? It's pretty simple.:

Taking away guns gives control to governments. Don't be Romania.

Currently Romania has 3 deaths with guns for 100.000 people. I don't actually know how as almost nobody has guns. Maybe cops that recently have the right to use guns for anything on a disarmed population, even if you swear them as it's a felony to swear cops.
US has 5.4 deaths per 100.000 people.
But the humiliation, the lies, the limits you have in a socialist country, outweighs the 2.4 people dying extra. And honestly multiculturalism is around that difference. Look at London, people throw acid on immigrants in the subway.
Besides, you can choose your neighborhood. I personally would prefer to live with the red voters North.
Reactions: Golden Fleece
The problem with Europe is that only criminals get access to firearms, while regular citizens have to do triple jackknife twists to get one, most of the time only through the "excuse" of sport usage.
Which form do you prefer and why

democracy , dictatorship , Socialism , Communism or any else?

None of those.

Which would be the ideal social system ?

A system where decisions are based on hard facts and proven science/studies and not emotions.
A system where decisions are based on hard facts and proven science/studies and not emotions.

that sounds nice but
1) all people are different in every way and have different preferences - central management of society always goes against someone
2) there is no one (no authority) that could decide what are the (true) facts or who are/aren't the true scientists which opinion we should follow (look at the whole covid bulls**t for example)

what you suggest leads nowhere I'm afraid
1) all people are different in every way and have different preferences - central management of society always goes against someone

Lol..what has this got to do with what I wrote?

2) there is no one (no authority) that could decide what are the (true) facts or who are/aren't the true scientists which opinion we should follow (look at the whole covid bulls**t for example)

So you don't believe in scientific fact?
@Martin Everson

I forgot to mention the following:

- The people in your vids are mostly on psychedelic drugs, even tough they look bad to you, they are in a world of joy, I wouldn't pity them as they don't have our worries being on this forum. I've been on enough raves to know.

- We still have 30% of kids who have to walk kilometers on foot trough forest and hills to get to school daily.
- We still have people in the south that have no shoes or walk naked, s**t on the roads.
- We still have over 80.000 horses and carriages on the road, not cheap old cars, horses and carriages.
- Our elderly can't afford medications and live on poverty, about 70% of the elderly live on less than 250 Euro a month, in a country that has the most expensive food from the EU and the worst quality of food.
- We still have kids running naked and with no shoes.
- Every Roma child steals or begs and their parents do it also.
- Human trafficking involves politicians up the highest ranks and it's blooming for sex slaves in the West.
- 20% of families rely on stolen wood to heat themselves in the winder and another 20% on state's financial support.
- I recently had a bad stomach that required further investigation, even tough I pay around 9k USD annually for health insurance they only told me they had money in September. Obviously I went somewhere and paid it.

The list can go on and on.

Please tell me in which democracy would you prefer to live?
Hopefully Americans will also realize what socialism is, before it's too late.
Lol..what has this got to do with what I wrote?

you can't have anything like "system" (even based on scientific facts) because you don't know what people want/prefer - there are only individuals with totally different context they live in

So you don't believe in scientific fact?

it's not about believing
I use whatever I recognize as valuable for my benefit (including science obviously)
and everyone should be allowed to do the same and "believe" whatever he likes and bear the consequences of his decisions

any central administration denies these very basic and crucial facts - what's going on around the world nowadays is a direct consequence of ignorance of this principle
- The people in your vids are mostly on psychedelic drugs, even tough they look bad to you, they are in a world of joy, I wouldn't pity them as they don't have our worries being on this forum. I've been on enough raves to know.

What raves you go to where people look like extras from a zombie movie?

I did a load of posts a few years back on here about my experience of Romania. I can't seem to find them all. But some of what you mentioned I touched on i.e.

P.S I won't bring up the battle of the sh1tholes thread either when people were asking which is better - Bulgaria or Romania?

Please tell me in which democracy would you prefer to live?

I don't believe in democracy because of the below:

Democracy favors the 51% and the rest can go to hell . As a system it marginalizes and can often alienate and radicalize huge parts of a population.

you can't have anything like "system" (even based on scientific facts) because you don't know what people want/prefer - there are only individuals with totally different context they live in

Again what has this got to do with what I wrote? Go back and read what I wrote and respond to that please.

Yes there are people who are very happy to believe the earth is flat and they are very happy to live in their ignorance. So more power to them if that's the route they take. Who needs science, logic or facts it just gets the way of peoples deep held beliefs .
@Martin Everson

Awake, Untold, Sunways, Summerwell, Tree Smoked Olives, other smaller festivals.
On every weekend there are 4 clubs in my city where I can see what you are showing me in those videos. Problem is I see 16 years old do it, the ones that can't discern that a drug is to use recreationally and with limits to avoid harming your own body. Rather than say NO NO, I would teach about them in schools, what they are, what the side effects are, what the long effects are, differences between natural and synthetic ones.

I wouldn't recommend either Bulgaria or Romania unless you really like to live in the old Kingdom style of a country. Back where kings and local barons were a thing, it's still a thing in both countries. Just with the new iPhones.
I'm not sure how much you stayed here, but I stayed here a lot of the 31 years of my life. If someone with a stable income, a decent wealth wants to leave all relatives behind, there is a reason. For me that reason is for my daughter.

I don't believe in democracy myself, it's s**t, but at this point we haven't come up with something better, so I would take a democracy focused on the individual rather than a one focused on corruption and misery of others.

Are you from the US Martin? What is it that you don't like about US so much?
I mean if you are conservative, you can always live in the rural side and the North ( WA, ID, MT,WY, etc ). They seem family focused overall, low statistics on crime, that is where I would go.
Reactions: Martin Everson
Romania is obviously a lot rougher than parts of western europe. I'm in western europe currently and I can tell you it's in reality not that different than America I lived in America for 20 years im a US citizen. The US gov could wake up and decide it wants to clean my bank accounts and i could do nothing about it. You need permits and permissions in America for tons of crap same as the EU. They may not federally make you get a permit to build a shed on your land but you best believe there will be a local city ordinance about it. In certain cities if you do stuff with your property that isn't allowed it can result in fines for hundreds per day until you have fixed/changed it... The US has federal, state, and local laws. It's also massive and hard to speak in broad generalizations about it. California is wildly different than where I lived in rural Minnesota. Rural minnesota is wildly different than Minneapolis MN which is in the same state but will be an entirely different universe. In summary you just not realize the rules/regulations in America because our bureaucracy is WORSE than western europe. I can easily check taxes, permits, and everything from easy to use online portals in my EU country of residence. A long wait time with the tax office in EU country for me was 7 mins on the phone. America its HOURS. The rules/regulations in America are just as bad except not easy to know/follow instead you'll eventually find out with a letter in the snail mail informing you that you screwed up. I once had a state tax form that I did not realize I had to file go unfiled... I recieved a "3rd letter"(never got the first 2 warning letters they claimed i did at all) with a penalty for the fact i didnt respond and file from the first 2 warning letters. The due date of the fine was the 24th the letter had arrived on the 28th of that month, welcome to American bureaucracy. This would never happen in my country of residence in the EU currently.

The issue of crime in America like @Martin Everson pointed out is real and probably something you cant even comprehend not being from there. The video he linked is not psychedelic drugs... I've taken many psychedelics and that is not that video lol. Those people are blasted off Heroin, you can find the needles along the street as proof. No one is shooting magic mushrooms or DMT up on the side of the road in downtown Seattle. Parts of Seattle and California in particular look like a damn apocalypse has hit. Interestingly enough this isnt just bad areas but even tourist areas of California and downtown Seattle are over ran with homeless and people off heroin wandering about. If you really think the people in that video he posted aren't on heroin please never move to america you'll be dead or robbed by weeks end lol. America isn't Western Europe(cant speak for eastern eu) but I've walked through the "bad" parts of the city i live in here and didn't even realize it was the hood until i was told it was. You will not mistake a bad area of the USA it will be so in your face and apparent because of how bad it really is. Shootings, Armed robberies, Prostitution, drug addicts, homeless everywhere list goes on. There is also perfect parts of America indeed but unfortunately in many large cities the line between bad and good areas is becoming increasingly blurred.

Western Europe and America are comparable for tax rates, in fact western europe has turned out to be lower tax for me than America. Many americans like myself in high tax states(California, Minnesota, New York, etc) are paying rates like europeans. You need to add up Federal, FICA, and State. Their is very little basically nothing you can do to avoid the 15% FICA taxes in America if your self-employed. Tack on state taxes if in a high tax state and your paying like your in Belgium or France. I'm in a lower tax EU country and like I said it turns out im saving nearly half my prior tax bill living in Minnesota. Your mother in your previous post works a job of course there is no deductibility its wage slavery and same is true of America. EU taxes are death by one blow with a big fat rate of 20%-50% in a lot of places.. America is death by a thousand cuts. Federal 10%-37%, State 0%-13%, FICA 15%... do the math and you end up in the same spot as many western eu countries. Florida, Texas, Wyoming, etc all the no tax states can help bring this down. If you have a 100K a year income taxable though even if in texas your gonna end up in a 24% federal rate + 15% FICA = 39% tax rate. Every European I talk to thinks America is somehow 100x better than Europe but reality is for the most part it is the same s**t different place in most ways. Tack on our worse government processes, lack of clarity in rules, permits, and regulations and in fact id argue it ends up mildly worse in many respects. I'd rather deal with my EU countries government than with the US government any time.

The American healthcare system relative to western europe is a total mess. In the western EU country im in I hear europeans complain about their 120 euro insurance with 800 euro deductible private market insurance in MN for me at 20 when i still lived there would've been $350/month with a $2000 deductible.. $150/month with a $15,000 deductible now I want you to extrapolate this out to a 4 person family you can literally pay $1K/month in insurance in America for a family. Most wage slaves will get employer provided insurance but then when they lose their job with benefits there goes their health insurance, so even if you aren't self employed your still looking at potential health insurance issues. Many go bankrupt off medical bills in America then tax rates are the least of your issue when your $250,000 in the hole from your weekend in the ER lol. So your $9K medical bill in Romania is small potatoes in the US we call that a small medical bill. Literally. Many would be jumping for joy for that.

30% of Americans cant cover a $400 emergency expense, almost half of my fellow Americans dont have $1K in savings, and the average US household has like $6k-$8k i believe in credit card debt. Tack on medical bills and you can see the true bulk of Americans are not living the American Dream. I love the US i think it's a great country I do not doubt Romania is a dumpster(no offense) but you are also looking at the US through a highly favorable lense and glossing over its glaring issues. High taxes, high crime, and high cost of living.

The USA from me gets a 7/10 for quality of live, UK, NL, Switzerland ill give a 8/10.. rest of EU is no thanks for me wouldn't live in it. All of this is assuming your someone on a 6 figure income. If not id say Europe becomes the better situation than the US. Being poor in America you will be worried about your kids melon getting blown off when they leave the house, Being evicted from the apartment in a matter of literal hours or days depending on the state, and sky high healthcare costs you struggle to afford since your crummy job wont come with those sweet benefits if your low income. America is slightly more capitalistic than much of western europe I'd say but thats really only in the work culture and labour laws our tax rates are on par with much of europe when you add it all up. I hardly count VAT it's discretionary spending at the worst of the rates and the US has sales taxes at the state levels that vary up to 9.5%.

America is a corporate ran country socialism will never directly come to it. They'll dangle the carrot to the general sheep and do more socialistic policies but make no mistake the mega companies will never pay. The small businesses will always be skinned for 20%-40% effective. Wage slaves same goes for them. The cultural shifts to the left wing in America can simply be chalked up to the powers that be would rather the average idiot be talking about how men and women can be a third gender than talking about apple shifting profits to Bermuda. Jeff Bezos owns the Washington post.. we have American Oligarchs we are no different than much of the world.
I don't believe in democracy myself, it's s**t, but at this point we haven't come up with something better, so I would take a democracy focused on the individual rather than a one focused on corruption and misery of others.
I don't think it's fair to mix up democracies here. There are democracies and democracies. Some are clearly s**t (tipically the made-in-USA export-quality ones). Others (switzerland, taiwan, maybe singapore, etc) seem to be more efficient, although through different means.
Bottom line is: blind democracy does *NOT* work as it is too easily screwable. And the pleb is 99% sheeps that will just follow the loudest dog around usually doing absolutely nothing if the dog turns into a wolf and eats them.

Thanks for the insights, its much appreciated! I really love what you guys are telling me, no article can beat the insight of someone who lived there.

That is the cool thing about the US, you can choose where to live to have different laws, different taxes, different building codes, different mentalities.
The first thing I checked was the taxation. Federal and FICA seem unescapable but you can lower it very much by investing what you don't need with a Wyoming LLC. You can always make your own charity foundation and manage it. You can always donate money to a trust to buy real estate on. I can't even deduct Gasoline money on my Romanian SRL (LLC) without declaring that I went to a client/ supplier and asking them for a stamp.
I personally would like to live in a smaller rural area, WA, WY,MT, ID ( probably WA due to 0 state tax, affordable land, but WA does have a big sale tax unfortunately, not as big as my current 19% tough)
From my research, the red voters state are much much safer. I'm not bought on either side, but the metrics don't lie.

Regarding the bureaucracy ... it sucks what you told me but how would you feel like asking the IRS how much you have to pay, they would say 30k, you pay, then they send you another letter telling you it's 30.1K, lock ALL your banks for 5 months even tough you paid the next day. Sue the IRS and the judge will tell you, there is nothing he can do, after 2 years.
Another example : You go to the mayor's office for the permit you paid, they say it's not done yet, even tough the 30 days have passed. You go after a week, it's not done. After 1 month it's not done. After 4 months it's not done. You sue for the 12k you paid, judge rules that it's their fault and the office has to reimburse you. They never reimburse you because you can't execute the state. Lost the 12k, I had the entire construction site ready, lost other money besides those 12k.
Another example : You are going to IRS to ask for something you need to do, they send you in 4 other places, you go to those places, they don't know. You come back they send you to another 2 places. You go there and obviously no help. You go back to the IRS, they tell you are disturbing them and they escort you out, and fine you.
List can go on and on but it's pointless. This dumpster of a country ( like you mentioned it ), still has Kings and Barons, the local militia works for them, not to keep us safe, but to keep us away from the king and barons ( there is the disarming of the population, because firearms kill people and the lack of them enslaves them ). In the US I think you can be arrested for 48 hours without proof, in Romania you can get arrested ... indefinitely, beaten up till you admit to anything. Worst of all is that a judge/prosecutor will see you visible beaten up and they won't care.

Regarding the healthcare, I've actually asked a offer, for me and my family ( wife and 1 year baby girl ), a gold health insurance would cost us about 6.4 K a year, Washington. You know why? Because even I have a 6 figure income, I only need about 55k a year. Assuming I have my own property and don't need rent. There is where Obamacare hits and I'm capped due to the 55k income.
If it gets to expensive, I'm still a EU resident and I am still employed here no matter what, unless it's a emergency I can always come and treat myself here. A dual continent resident has benefits.
Overall I think you are right, every healthcare in this world is a mess. The only thing I expect, is to get the services I paid for. The 9k I pay a year in Romania, is s**t I know, but I'm throwing away money and it's MANDATORY. My mom was sick and the ambulance refused to come. My friend was sick ( testicular torsion ) and the ambulance refuse to take him, the hospital refused to take him ( 2021 ). The man almost lost his testicle, another 30 min and that was it. This is what MANDATORY services actually mean. When it's optional, they know you need to want to pay their salary.

Regarding the use of drugs in the US, I know, I just didn't know it's this bad. Hence the reason I'm trying to move somewhere in a rural place, where there are no such issues. I'd rather be neighbor with the Catholic/Baptist nutjob, or even the KKK rather than the gangs.
I'm 31, my wife is 30. If you move to a new country, where the hell would you move? You don't know if you read it on the internet. So we tough of buying a RV / Motorhome for 6-12 months, see if we like it and if we can't find a place to call home we could just drag our arses back home. I would spend 100k for a year to see what the US is like than living in this shithole.

Regarding the savings ... I'm heading today on a offroad run with my TJ wrangler, with all the modifications it can crawl on walls. If I'm going to pass trough some villages and I'm going to take and post some photos here. Those people don't have shoes, not savings, not loans ... shoes. In a 400 square feet house ( that is almost falling ), live 11 people. We have over 12000 people that die because of chimneys each year. The kids run naked, they piss on each other for fun ... the Romani ( gypsy ) kids throw s**t on each other as a game, what a glorious culture. Poverty and lack of culture leads to this. You have a bigger chance of getting shanked in those areas than getting shot in the worst crack house (crack home) in the US.
Are you from the US Martin?

Hello no. I am from a banana republic.

What is it that you don't like about US so much?

The hypocrisy of the government. Its the do as I say and not as I do mentality.

I mean if you are conservative, you can always live in the rural side and the North ( WA, ID, MT,WY, etc ). They seem family focused overall, low statistics on crime, that is where I would go.

Not all of America is bad to live but it is a declining power at the end of it's influence against rising powers like China. Also being labelled a US Person would cause me moral and financial damage so I would not live there.

@Vor and @Vampp Nice writeups. You don't get this sort of insight from your local tourist board
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This one doesn't get old

I would agree the republican areas tend to be better than blue areas. I say areas because take Minnesota for example it is a Democrat state however when you go up north it quickly becomes republican country and is nothing like the twin cities. This is true in reverse of red states like Texas where Austin is a liberal bastion that is also turning into a shithole but the state as a whole is actually red.

The US tax system is highly convoluted i can promise you your charitable foundation and Wyoming LLC wont help much of nothing. Your LLC for a small 1 person operation that is all online for example will need to match your state of residence. Living in Minnesota but having a Wyoming LLC for your business to "avoid"(evade) state taxes will quickly land you in hot water. The exception to this is if you actually had substance in the foreign LLC's state like a physical bakery with staff etc then that would work. Getting a flexidesk for $500/year also will not suffice. Georgia even went after wealthy people "avoiding" sales taxes on high end vehicles in the state by forming Wyoming LLC's and purchasing the vehicles through the entity. Massive back tax bills, fines, and even criminal charges over vehicle sales taxes. Even after this to this day people will still buy vehicles through out of state entites and slap on the out of state plates to further avoid state vehicle renewals etc. This is because in the American bureaucracy/tax system you will quickly find out it all operates in a chaotic mess that has more to do with what your caught for rather than what you actually do. One guy may do that exact foreign llc car purchase scheme 10x and literally nothing will happen while another will do it once and be in hot water in a heartbeat.

The tax issues you point out in Romania i do not doubt are awful its eastern europe your in a country with a crooked bureaucracy understand though in america you will get inept/lazy government workers and awful bureaucracy. Sure it isn't inherently crooked like Romania for the most part but you will still run into the same issues in the US as Romania for example call the US IRS to fix something you will wait an hour or two sometimes you will call and it will say the wait is to long and to try again another day entirely and just auto hang up. If you do get through to a person get ready to be told its the wrong department and you will now restart this process of waiting while they transfer you to another department then this department will tell you its actually another department. If your lucky before you get the third time of run around on the second transfer something will go wrong and you'll be disconnected and give up entirely before even talking to a person.

Think going into a government office is any better? I tried this in Minnesota with a issue since on the phone/online I wasnt getting anywhere. I go in wait 45 mins in a lobby to be called back by the lady who proceeds to have me fill out the online submission form this time instead of paper to mail it lovely im doing what isnt working online but now im gonna mail it and wait 3 additional weeks to hear anything from the government saying it doesnt work again. In the end I gave up on the issue and it was never resolved just as is because it's American bureaucracy and nothing will come of it anyway and nothing ever has.

This particular issue tied into proof of insurance needed for filing your US taxes at the time I was 19 years old and wasnt making 6 figures like I am now at 22 but was literally broke. I was trying to get on to MN assisted health insurance so 1. I would have health insurance lol 2. I would not get fined under obamacare for being uninsured. See in America prior to trump if you were too poor to afford insurance the government rewarded you at tax season by fining you money for not being able to afford it lol. In the end I simply went uninsured. This should show how US bureaucracy is a nightmare in fact I was unable after a month of trying to get a welfare benefit I was ENTITLED to. I also had a $750 obamacare fine at tax season for not having insurance which if the state of mn had a good bureaucracy I should've had insurance through state assistance. There are tons of other examples of similar things in America that I know in the Western EU country I am in getting state assisted insurance if I was poor which im luckily not anymore thanks to working hard on starting my own business, would be very easy and done on an online portal in a afternoon not a month of running around and then going oh well this is way too much of a mess and im getting no where and just giving up.

6.4K/year is $500+/month in health insurance and be sure to look at the deductible/out of pocket. In america we have deductible could be $1000 and then out of pocket which could be another $1000 so $2000 before they start covering then make sure your "in network" or they will only cover a certain percent if where your getting treatment is out of network.. add on copays, etc. It's much worse than anywhere in western europe I can promise that. The quality of care is good but the insurance situation is a total mess.

I lived in a rural area my whole live in America growing up and I can tell you that now a days in America you will not escape the drugs issue anywhere. Many friends of mine I grew up with are into drugs and some have done prison time. As a teenager everyone I knew was into drugs literally because of being bored with nothing to do in the middle of nowhere. Rural America is safer than the inner cities and more affordable but not without issue. You just swap heroin for methamphetamine as the drug of choice lol. I have a couple drug/crime related stories that I've heard from friends I grew up with who were into all of that, that would show rural America is not without issues and you can get yourself into just as much trouble in the woods as in the inner city. If you made me estimate id say 85% of the people i grew up with and knew closely are now either fairly serious criminals or are still dirt poor. The other 15% are actually doing something with themselves and not just stuck in life or rapidly wrecking their adult lives. A lot of rural america is fairly poor just keep that in mind.

I'd recommend looking at suburban areas this is the sweet spot. I have family who grew up in good suburbs and I can say for 100% certain their childhood was a much better quality than mine in rural america. Judging from how they present themselves/act I can say for sure they were not exposed to the stuff I was in my teenage years in rural america. Your idea of using a RV to travel around and look is a good idea you can see America's inner city some, suburbs, and rural america. You wont see the the crime/drug issue at all in rural/suburban america generally speaking. Same for most inner cities even, it all depends to some extent where you are within them but like I said in my prior post the line between good and bad in these big cities post covid is getting a lot blurrier.

The thing with rural america like I said though is the drug/crime issue wont be so in your face in a really rural community because well its so rural there wont be much around lol but if you get to know people in these communities you will for sure quickly see ok its for the most part it's 95% safe and good people but bobby likes meth, billy is a robber, and jack there likes to drink 24/7 and live off welfare. The suburbs of america will generally be the wealthiest, safest, an have the most opportunities. If I was living in America and didn't have kids I'd love to live in rural america still. If I had kids then the suburbs it would be and not rural america because I'd want them to have things to do and have access to more opportunities. Their are some nice wealthy-ish rural areas though also this is coming from someones perspective of rural america where the average income was $15,000/year. Yes you read that correct $15K a year lol your mom makes more in Romania than many in the area I grew up in America.
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Yes democracy sucks also, but something better has not been invented yet.
Therefore instead of the EU democracy, where from the prime minister to the secretary of your car register agency, is corrupt and crooked.

@Vor and @Martin Everson I can't thank you enough for the insights. If you ever need Eastern Europe services, I'll advise you to the best of my knowledge.

@Vor "call the US IRS to fix something you will wait an hour or two" In Romania you can do the following :

1. Call them, they say they don't know.
2. Go to them, they will tell you what to do wrongly or carelessly, they will even sign you a paper but if that is wrong, and you SUE them, the statement from them with the signature won't get you anywhere.
Basically they tell you the wrong thing to do, and you take the blame with no possibility of justice. I don't believe the US is worse at this chapter.

The insurance system is really different in the US, but think of it this way. Until 2016, we had a company delivering disinfectants in Romania to ALL hospitals. Someone found out that the disinfectants were actually WATER. I had 4 relatives died in hospital for infections.
Since 1992 until today, because of that company and corruption it's estimated over 750.000 people died prematurely. In a country with 15m active people ( the other 6m left ). This is just because of those disinfectants.
Worst case scenario, I will still be insured in Europe as I am currently are, one flight away except for emergencies. But in Romania, I have better chances going to a Shaman.

Basically this is what I want, a conservative small town and I will look up your advice with the suburban area, it has logic. But The north seems more calm than the south. Fortunately Romania was, until recently, shaded for drugs, now my city is on the blacklist on drugs.
I'd rather have my daughter have a joint, a molly or cocaine instead of speed, amfetamine, 3mmc, crack and other s**t at a overpriced rate . Leaving the joke aside, drugs is education and hard addicts have NO education, shame on their parents not on them.
Worst case scenario I'll just buy a Class A RV and live on the road a while till I find a likeminded community.

Yes, I researched that myself, I can assure you there are low income people anywhere in the world, even Swiss. The thing is that I don't need the latest Porsche to be happy, I can drive a 90's pickup truck as long as it has heating, cooling and a isofix for my girl.
Currently I own a TJ wrangler 2006 ( my fav model ), true that it's worth over 35k eur with all the mods and my wife has a Dacia Spring because her old opal Corsa broke down. The TJ here beats the inflation so it's worth having as a investment .

As a advise from me to you is to try to find happiness in sensations, people, sports, nature, children etc. The more unhappy you are, the more stuff you buy and US seems to have a lust for things that provide happiness for a very short while. At 30 I found out that's the secret, for me at least.
It's a very vicious circle, you will spend you hard earned money just for that a few hours or days sensation for what you bought.
I've wasted a little over 130k Eur on a limited A8, when I started making money back in 2009, I was 19YO. Just the Bang and Olufsen system was 27k Eur. Did it brought me joy? the first 2 months, afterwards I threw the stuff inside it like I used to do in my old Ford. I crashed it eventually because in 2011 they changed the tax system and it was around 5k a year before tires, maintenance and nobody would want it. Wasted my first money on a damn car. And thrust me, in 2009 ... that money could have bought me 2 hotels worth over 4 mil now.
Now imagine that now the S&P500 or DJ30, indices I have no access as a European just on CFD's ( which are banned in the US due to 85% of people loosing money ). Having money in the indices from 2020 till today would have doubled your worth, hence the inflation.
So ashamed of that financial education, but it was a lesson.
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