Thanks for the insights, its much appreciated! I really love what you guys are telling me, no article can beat the insight of someone who lived there.
That is the cool thing about the US, you can choose where to live to have different laws, different taxes, different building codes, different mentalities.
The first thing I checked was the taxation. Federal and FICA seem unescapable but you can lower it very much by investing what you don't need with a Wyoming LLC. You can always make your own charity foundation and manage it. You can always donate money to a trust to buy real estate on. I can't even deduct Gasoline money on my Romanian SRL (LLC) without declaring that I went to a client/ supplier and asking them for a stamp.
I personally would like to live in a smaller rural area, WA, WY,MT, ID ( probably WA due to 0 state tax, affordable land, but WA does have a big sale tax unfortunately, not as big as my current 19% tough)
From my research, the red voters state are much much safer. I'm not bought on either side, but the metrics don't lie.
Regarding the bureaucracy ... it sucks what you told me but how would you feel like asking the IRS how much you have to pay, they would say 30k, you pay, then they send you another letter telling you it's 30.1K, lock ALL your banks for 5 months even tough you paid the next day. Sue the IRS and the judge will tell you, there is nothing he can do, after 2 years.
Another example : You go to the mayor's office for the permit you paid, they say it's not done yet, even tough the 30 days have passed. You go after a week, it's not done. After 1 month it's not done. After 4 months it's not done. You sue for the 12k you paid, judge rules that it's their fault and the office has to reimburse you. They never reimburse you because you can't execute the state. Lost the 12k, I had the entire construction site ready, lost other money besides those 12k.
Another example : You are going to IRS to ask for something you need to do, they send you in 4 other places, you go to those places, they don't know. You come back they send you to another 2 places. You go there and obviously no help. You go back to the IRS, they tell you are disturbing them and they escort you out, and fine you.
List can go on and on but it's pointless. This dumpster of a country ( like you mentioned it ), still has Kings and Barons, the local militia works for them, not to keep us safe, but to keep us away from the king and barons ( there is the disarming of the population, because firearms kill people and the lack of them enslaves them ). In the US I think you can be arrested for 48 hours without proof, in Romania you can get arrested ... indefinitely, beaten up till you admit to anything. Worst of all is that a judge/prosecutor will see you visible beaten up and they won't care.
Regarding the healthcare, I've actually asked a offer, for me and my family ( wife and 1 year baby girl ), a gold health insurance would cost us about 6.4 K a year, Washington. You know why? Because even I have a 6 figure income, I only need about 55k a year. Assuming I have my own property and don't need rent. There is where Obamacare hits and I'm capped due to the 55k income.
If it gets to expensive, I'm still a EU resident and I am still employed here no matter what, unless it's a emergency I can always come and treat myself here. A dual continent resident has benefits.
Overall I think you are right, every healthcare in this world is a mess. The only thing I expect, is to get the services I paid for. The 9k I pay a year in Romania, is s**t I know, but I'm throwing away money and it's MANDATORY. My mom was sick and the ambulance refused to come. My friend was sick ( testicular torsion ) and the ambulance refuse to take him, the hospital refused to take him ( 2021 ). The man almost lost his testicle, another 30 min and that was it. This is what MANDATORY services actually mean. When it's optional, they know you need to want to pay their salary.
Regarding the use of drugs in the US, I know, I just didn't know it's this bad. Hence the reason I'm trying to move somewhere in a rural place, where there are no such issues. I'd rather be neighbor with the Catholic/Baptist nutjob, or even the KKK rather than the gangs.
I'm 31, my wife is 30. If you move to a new country, where the hell would you move? You don't know if you read it on the internet. So we tough of buying a RV / Motorhome for 6-12 months, see if we like it and if we can't find a place to call home we could just drag our arses back home. I would spend 100k for a year to see what the US is like than living in this shithole.
Regarding the savings ... I'm heading today on a offroad run with my TJ wrangler, with all the modifications it can crawl on walls. If I'm going to pass trough some villages and I'm going to take and post some photos here. Those people don't have shoes, not savings, not loans ... shoes. In a 400 square feet house ( that is almost falling ), live 11 people. We have over 12000 people that die because of chimneys each year. The kids run naked, they piss on each other for fun ... the Romani ( gypsy ) kids throw s**t on each other as a game, what a glorious culture. Poverty and lack of culture leads to this. You have a bigger chance of getting shanked in those areas than getting shot in the worst crack house (crack home) in the US.