Why some people are against the democracy ?

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Very easy to answer: US deep state, senate and lobbies (those behind the senators).

As for Soros, it seems quite obvious that an illegal trend like the african migration into Europe that requires massive amount of money and logistics cannot be put up, let alone endured, without the green light of the US. Even the money come from there (or from the Saudis, basically US safe deposit box, who paid for the last of the US wars in the region, btw).
Ask yourself also why no media has ever had a coverage on where all the money behind this comes from, who's behind all this etc.
No private society without the green light of the USA and its deep state and secret service could manage that. Look at panama papers: they popped open like nothing. On this: radio silence.
How easy would it even be to go interview some of the migrants and expose what's behind this? But nothing, 0, nada. I remember reading half of an interview of a northern-african muslim terrorist arrested in the very early 2000, promising that the worst was just about to start (so true). After that, 0 intel on the causes.

So the actual question is not who but why. Again, frankly speaking, easy explanations are the most plausible. And 20 years after the beginning, and after having been able to see the effect of this strategy, it's easy to guess.

The trend started very early 2000, right after introduction of EUR, right when Europe was rising and trying to unite even more.
Now ask yourself: why would the US be happy about a strong and united Europe, a homogeneous european society and a strong economy and currency (EUR) that, back then, some even started to hypothesize could take USDs place in many kinds of transactions? Especially when they themselves, example of cultural integration, are a fucked up society where they ended up killing each other at home?
Fear of loss of power has triggered the libyan war for much less

That's by the way the same reason US finally realized the threat is now China, that is large, powerful, homogeneous or actively and effectively treating separatists. And we see the amount of aggression they can't even publicly hide to try to contain such a geopolitical opponent. As China is not (yet) backing off, we can easily expect further public escalation of hostility over there.

And that's the same reason their main goal is always to "export democracy" everywhere.
the world wouldn't be organized unless there was a ruling hand behind it. it would be chaos. the fact that everything's extremely well organized and follows a clear design means there's designers who designed it.

Conspiracies are as common as morning rush-hour traffic. As common as coca cola. A conspiracy is just 2 or more people plotting something. They happen constantly all over the world, daily, in big and small ways.

The idea that it's ridiculous to believe in conspiracies... is ridiculous. They are as common as can be.

Every person i know in my life has lied to me on occasion. I find it funny some people cannot grasp the idea that the people on the tv, the news and politicians, are also lying.

Who doesn't lie? Why would anyone think the most powerful people in the world don't lie?

How did they become so powerful? By lying. They are the masters of the art beyond compare.
I find it funny some people cannot grasp the idea that the people on the tv, the news and politicians, are also lying.
O, they do lie, a lot. It's their job actually, ratings above actions.
The funny thing is that a lot of people believe that world is ruled by some clique of uber-smart shady people/lizards/aliens (name yours) instead of realising that people in power are as incompetent as people voting for them.

You don't need to go far - just look at some shenanigans lead by monarchs in the age of absolute monarchy. Millions died because some George had a bad mood or some Lui spent too much on favourites and castles.

The world doesn't go completely mad because most of events can not be started by a single person, there is a great chance that somewhere in the execution chain a reasonable person will ask about legitimacy/purpose/consequences of given order and maybe postpone/report or even sabotage it. So yes, you can have a crazy president. Yet until there are ordinary government people doing their job properly - the world will go on. No lizards needed.
check this out then google who the guy is (note: his real affiliation from the old days won't be easy to pull out of google right away. He says "we in the intelligence", he was one of the directors at CIA during the nixon/kissinger era)
Studies investigating the latter topic generally reveal lower cognitive ability to be associated with stronger endorsement of right–wing ideological attitudes and greater prejudice.
It sounds as if the authors suffer from extreme bias. In the U.S., people from the "right-wing" are the exact people who vote for those candidates who uphold the U.S. Constitution and the Republic. The left-wing voters are the totalitarians who wish to tear down the constitutional system.

From what I understand, the left wing socialists in most European countries are the problem there, especially with regard to unbridled immigration and changing the very essence of the ancient European cultures.
it's not often the case it's easy to do so.
Switzerland, singapore, taiwan, just to name a few. Where things work is where immigration is strictly regulated.
I don't know about Singapore and Taiwan, but are you seriously saying that Switzerland is not democratic? Jeez!
And, fail no 2: Switzerland has one of the highest foreign population in Europe:
With 2,148,300 foreign nationals permanently resident in Switzerland, foreigners account for 25.1% of the population.
Why don't you reply to the point like a grown up instead of asking mod's help like a spoiled child?
Ok calm down and just keep to topic please. Some very good points have been made. No flame war needed .

Switzerland has the "right" kind of democracy: the one where not everybody have the same decisional rights.

Patriziat (Alte Eidgenossenschaft) – Wikipedia Here, have a read
@The Sovereign Individual Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean they violate the rules of the forum and need to be banned. Feel free to report posts that do violate the rules, which I'm sure you have read and understood.

If you can't engage in a debate with someone you disagree with without getting angry and asking for that person to be banned, I suggest you either ignore that member (go to their profile and click "Ignore") or solve the problem by not engaging in such debate. There are lots of other topics here on a wide range of interesting subjects.
A short comparison of 2 democracies.

I honestly think that the US is the only place where the individual still has a chance.
I don't know who owns the puppet show in the USA but I know this :

First they came for the Communists, And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the Socialists, And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me. ( Martin Niemöller )

This is how US is actually loosing.
The goal should not be which dumb horse gets the presidency, house or senate. The goal should be that the Government should have a very very LOW power over it's people. I'm not talking about external affairs, but the internal affairs. As all you fellow "tax optimizers" know, nobody in this world will know what is best for you than you.
The past 2 years I closely learned the US laws, taxes types, how to avoid paying tax. They have 10 times the degree of freedom, comparing to Europe.
They actually have rights, they have the right to defend their property, something I don't in my country ( it makes me don't want to own anything ).

The list can go on and on but what I'm suggesting every American is to fight for your right and never, never, ever, never give up your guns.
That is ultimately the only defense you have, because the government can't test your limits if you have a way to fight back.
The government can only make you fight amongst yourself ( race, gender, etc. ). These are not really problems, they are just infused by media so that brother goes against brother taking the eyes of the real villain. Every crisis I see in the US is one created by hysteria or Media. The only problem is that the world order want Americans to become submissive.

I'm aware of the last years events, very aware but I'll give you a example of my mother's economic situation, in a European country, as a comparison, starting taxes:

Let's take a look at my mother's salary, Romania.
Executive position in natural gas domain, 5 years away from pension :
- She earns 18500 RON ( equivalent of 3750 EUR ) ,
- she pays 43% taxes, she is left with 10500 RON ( about 2100 Eur ),
- everything she spends has 19% VAT on it , that means she actually has 8823 RON to spend ( roughly 1750 Eur )
- If you add the average tax on property, car ( a 4L engine is taxed 2000 euro / year ) she roughly remains with about 1300 Eur

Basically she pays 2/3 of her income in either sort of taxes. And bear in mind there is no way to deduct anything.
What is most annoying that 10% goes to healthcare ( public ), yet I had to drove her to the hospital (they refused to send a ambulance), where they refused to take her.

I'll try to highlight some major realities here:

Everything seems livable and acceptable until you notice some other problems in the society:
1. There is no justice
- Justice is controlled by the political
- judges and prosecutors are gods, they don't pay for their mistakes, even if done willingly
- If the government loses a trial, you can't execute it by taking it's stuff and it never pays you only if the EU actually constraint it
- If by any chance you get to a trial, you have to prove you are innocent, not the prosecutor to prove you are guilty.
- The irony is that the same prosecutor that is against you at the trial, can charge the judge for something.
- Video footage, unless the camera is approved, is not counted as evidence.

2. There is no private property
- Property can be sized at any time
- Building a shed requires permission
- Cutting a tree requires permission (on my own land)
- Building a fence requires permission
- If a wild animal damages my crops or fences or landscape there is nothing I can do, the state owns the animal
- Everything under 2 meters ( 6 feet ), is owned by the state
- In order to get electricity I have to pay for the lines, the pole and then donate it to the state owned company
- Apparently if you own a Car that you are not currently using, you should pay insurance 365/365 as you can always have the possibility to use it and cause harm with it ( European directive ). This is something new.
- If you get robed you can't defend your property, you can only call the cops, otherwise it's felony.

3. Self defense, personal freedom, individual rights
- There is no self defense, if someone stabs you, you can only call the cops, by hitting back you've committed a felony (if the prosecutor says so, you're done). You may escape the prosecution if you use a lesser weapon (fist). There goes 7 years of your life.
- Public lands, are not so public, you normally can't cross there.
- Obviously except selected few can't own firearms ( wonder why? )
- If a wild animal attacks your kid, or yourself it's not considered self defense ( there is no such thing as self defense against a animal ), is considered poaching ( if you have a tool you can use ). We had some hunters died because they tried to outrun bears, with their shotguns loaded.
- If someone breaks in your house, you can only use the same type of weapon the crook uses against you. If he has a fist and you use a baseball bat, it's 7 years for the homeowner.
- Police can arrest you up to 12 months without proof or charges ( recently changed to 12 months, it was indefinite before ).
- list can go on, but I don't want to tire anyone.

Overall, the state does not work for us, we work for the state. The police is not here to serve us, they are here to hold us in line.
When you go to the police or any other public institution, you are wasting their time and they will treat you like that to show it. And if they screw it up, they don't have any responsibilities, even with a written proof from them, the judge won't consider that as proof.
I won't even begin to talk about politicians, they are hired by external states and it's a continued battle of interests.

Both countries are Democracies.
Do you know the only differences between the 2 countries?
Bingo - Mentality and firearms

So where would you prefer to live?
Reactions: pipona
You would rather live in US than in Europe? The US home of guns, daily mass shootings, homelessness, opioid epidemic, outrageous litigation, GM food, steriod chickens the size of an ostrich, obese people and a real life zombie apocalypse?

Which form do you prefer and why

democracy , dictatorship , Socialism , Communism or any else?

Which would be the ideal social system ?
