Why some people are against the democracy ?

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isn't it pretty obvious by now that there's never even been a real political election in human history? All politicians are selected, not elected.

you think the people who seized power for millennia in ancient times with wars just returned all that power and control to the dumb slaves they rule?

Wow, that's.... ridiculous. The same powers that slaughtered and colonized across the entire world... and people think they just gave control of each country back to randomly elected people native to the country?

Elections are 100% theater, performed on a tv. politicians -- worldwide -- are 100% professional actors.

Everything is scripted and staged. All the world's a stage. The history of the world is whatever these bloodlines has fictionalized in the history books they give us in the school system they built for us.

all governments are 100% illegitimate. None of them were elected. It's just systemic global fraud. It's organized criminals hoaxing the stupid slave class to use us as human resources to build and maintain their cities. Nothing more.

so... what democracy? I have no idea what that even means. It's a joke. All governments are just sick jokes. They are ruthless and gangster as it gets. They are the masters of deception.

I'm sure many will disagree, but it's plainly obvious to me, one group (and only one group) runs the whole world -- and always has.

Every city is designed the exact same way -- sanitation trucks, hospitals, electrical grid, city hall, public schools, universities, media buildings, etc etc etc -- worldwide. Every city in any country in the world is the same. exactly the same. structurally. that means it was crafted by the same power. the same group. the same will. the same mind.

Every country uses the same symbolic tokens - like flags. crests, etc.

The NBA has many teams, and they playfully compete for sport within a set of rules -- but the NBA owns it all. The NBA controls it all. The NBA makes all the rules for all the teams, and organizes it however the f**k they want, at a whim, anytime.

But, without this ruling tyrannical force -- these bloodlines, secret society people, royals, czars, caesars, whatever they really are..... perhaps the world would be far worse off -- for lack of their organization and rules.

what they've done to the world is truly a marvel of social engineering. A marvel of organization. It's kinda evil... at least their means can certainly be.... but you cannot deny the genius of the system. It's pure genius. It's incredible what they've done to this world. The human farm they've built.

But... it boggles my mind if people in today's day and age still think elections are real, and politicians got their jobs because they won elections, etc etc.

that's just flat out ridiculous to me... Shocking to me that an adult could still believe such a thing...
the first half was spot on!

I'm sure many will disagree, but it's plainly obvious to me, one group (and only one group) runs the whole world -- and always has.

are you talking about the "tribe"? if so, i would agree to some extent. but the world is too big of a place so there are multiple forces at play. the world has never been united so many fractions exist all around us, each with their own agenda.

all in all, the old money rules and that will never change. that is certain.
i dont think it matters how big the world is, nor how many people are in it -- because we're all born into their system. A system vastly older and more intelligent than any of us can ever be.

A system they have been refining and honing and practicing for probably 50+ generations of their royal families. Probably for thousands of years. At the very least hundreds. many hundreds.

Whoever first conquered most of the world -- there's no reason to think they ever lost power. Why would they?

It's not sports, where each year, the season begins afresh, and everyone is back to square one with equal chance of winning.

Once you conquer the world -- it only gets easier and easier to manage and control it. You get more and more efficient as you practice -- you've already done the dirty work of slaughtering people and making them comply by sheer force.

thereafter all you need is mind control to keep your empire intact and functioning. Mind control like religions, media, schools -- used on the newly born impressionable minds of the youth.

all the people you conquered and killed with the sword... all you need is public schools, religion and media to control all their children forever thereafter.

Doesn't matter where you're born... you'll grow up in their schools, watching their tv... they own everyone.

Consider the unfathomable complexity of their system.

How many freight ships right this moment are moving cargo between how many ports in the world? Look at how vast and complex trade alone is.

how many cars are moving through their streets through their city grids?

it's an absolute wonder something this big and complex actually works and maintains itself and doesn't fall into chaos.

Imagine the complexity of actually calculating all this, setting these human system grids up, and making them all interact with the precision and efficiency with which they do it?

Feeding us all, sheltering us all, removing all our waste, entertaining us, brainwashing us, on and on and on....

I think their minds are way beyond ours -- whatever these people or beings are. I have a hard time thinking they are even human. This world is too complex for a human mind -- or at least for my mind.

Or maybe it's just because they've had thousands of years of practice and the massive advantage of knowledge gained passed down generationally -- whereas we've mostly been lied to and dumbed down our whole lives.

they have the whole world working 9-5, using their banks, using their money, consuming their media, using their internet, eating their food, shopping at their stores, flying on their planes... what do we use that isn't theirs?

in what way do they not completely own every single being in this world?
what most people still dont realize is that this organisations/psychopaths/geniuses/entities or whatever they are not just playing and controlling in 1 side and the other side is the "adversary", no, thats what they want us to believe, they have both sides and if there is a new way, idea or approach, they infiltrate it, control it and play it in their way.

At least we have options but all controlled by them.

They diversify their game in the same way as investors diversify their portfolio
Reactions: troubled soul
100% agree,
Any form of system works perfectly without Bad People.
It is the bad people that makes problem. And Create other life difficult.
In fact of all systems, democracy is likely to work the worst in a country without bad people, because even good people can be stupid enough to promote or vote stupid laws.
In the past, the King was a highly trained individual to perform the job of a King.
Reactions: EuroKiss
Unless they are of strong moral fiber with a strong work ethic, people want free stuff. This is how socialism sneaks into a culture. The elites readily oblige because they then plunder the system and get free stuff on a far larger scale.

In a Republic, the voters get the government they deserve. If the voters are intelligent, thrifty, hard-working, and moral, then they get one type of government. It the voters are weak, lazy, stupid, and immoral, then they get another type of government. The Constitutional Republic worked well in the U.S. for several hundred years until the people dramatically changed. This rise and fall is a cycle that repeats throughout history.
Reactions: Cetme308win
The Le Pen family has never run a nation, only a party. They have never been given a chance.

These "dynasties" are simply front-men for the real power players. For example, George Soros, unfortunately, has more power than 99.9% of the political hacks.
i dont think George Soros is actually a big player. I don't think any of us would ever, under any circumstances, know the real names of the real ones in power.

Logically, if you rule the world, you would want to be totally utterly anonymous and unknown by the public. I think bill gates, soros, mark zuckerberg, buffet, etc etc are literally just hired actors pretending to be the big money and faces of big gov corporations.

They are the proxy faces we can point a finger at. But I seriously doubt they have any real wealth of power. Just hired actors, exactly same as politicians. Their backstories are completely fabricated. That's why hollywood makes movies like the social network, and gives it academy awards. to make people think that's the real story of how facebook formed -- instead of the truth -- it was built by the government to surveil people.

All these famous business moguls, politicians, fortune 500 ceos.... i absolutely believe they are nothing but actors for hire, reading their lines off a script, performing for the public.

just like kings and emperors of the past probably realized a long long time ago, better to rule invisibly. Otherwise whenever the public's mad, they protest and hate the king. why would you make yourself an obvious target? especially when you intend to rule in nefarious ways -- which all governments obviously do.

Much smarter if the king pretends to give away his authority and pretends to replace his monarcy with a democracy, and then stage elections, and hire actors to play all the politicians who run in the election, and then you have some proxy puppet actor who pretends to be head of state, and he rips the public off, and eventually the public hates him and wants him gone... and 4 years later the public vote him out and replace him with a new proxy puppet actor who they think will change things. and of course nothing ever changes whatsoever in a real significant way.

because the king will never change his system except to make it even more efficient and give himself even more control.

So on and on it goes... a merry go round of hired actors performing for us on tv -- brilliant actors actually, the best in the world -- and they are all just the the hands of the same king's bloodline who has always ruled.

I think the world's finest actors aren't in movies, but in politics.

in fact, I literally think big time politicians do absolutely nothing -- not a single thing in terms of actually doing real governance, like city or nation planning etc.

I literally think they are ONLY hired professional actors, whose sole job is to learn their lines, go on tv, and perform.

the actual planning and managing of cities, and creating of laws, is surely done by people whose names none of us will ever know. They would be hiding behind endless russian dolls of proxy actors. they would be ghosts, and we'll never find their names on the internet I suspect.
Reactions: FlipnShip and kkein
A forum of people trying to evade tax lecturing about democracy. You couldn't make it up.

Just opinion

Reactions: kkein

“Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws.”​

~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild
[Mayer Amschel Bauer] (1744 -1812), Godfather of the Rothschild Banking Cartel
Democracy is nothing more than the dictatorship of the largest MINORITY over the rest of the minorities. Look in Spain, a party that four nobodies voted for, "podemos", with only 9% percent of the voters (which means that 91% of the people did NOT want them), and through political strategies, for supporting the ruling party this year has received a leading role totally disproportionate in compensation. A party that 9 persons in 10 didn´t want.
I only believe in secession. If two o more social groups cannot live together, it is better to separate until they are different species and cannot reproduce together
so who (or what) does everyone think sits on the throne of this world? What group faction etc whatever is at the very very top of the pyramid? Some ultra exclusive secret society? Nephilim? Some royal bloodline? Caesars heirs? Something non-human?

Maybe tax strategists have interesting ideas on that.
Reactions: troubled soul
Democracy is nothing more than the dictatorship of the largest MINORITY over the rest of the minorities.
it's worth noting that these "minorities" are different group for different topics and problems - simply ridiculous and dysfunctional... period
Hanlon's razor - in the first place there is no reason to look for conspiracy where stupidity (and opportunism and greed) is a straightforward explanation
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