Well, of course you don't need massive amounts of taxes if 77% of the states income comes from oil exports (
Economy of the United Arab Emirates - Wikipedia).
I'm sorry but I don't agree with you. Norway exports of oil is also very high, yet they still have one of the most stupidly high "progressive" taxes on earth, and the same goes for most Scandinavian countries. Not only that, showing any kind of wealth there is usually frowned upon, because how dare I show any resemblance of my hard earned money.
It is also a bit cynical mention these things as advantages. I don't doubt that they are advantageous for *you*, however I am not sure if most people that are working in the UAE would actually agree with you (
Migrant workers in the Gulf Cooperation Council region - Wikipedia).
Yeah, it's a known fact that working conditions in the gulf is not the best, and a lot of people have every right to be mad, but things are starting to change and laws like kafala system are being abolished right now and imo, that's a step in the right direction, However I'm more critical of western countries that claims that they are the best of the best and muh land of the free.
In murica, you find over 400,000 people that are living as modem slaves in the land of the free, god bless America indeed.
Let's see about that. In the last 50 years sharia law countries have not really been known for technological or scientific advancements (to put it mildly)..
well, 50 years ago there was no UAE, it was nothing but undeveloped desert, however, everything changed after zayed found oil 1966, and yeah it's pretty impressive what they have achieved in 50 years only.
and generally "Sharia law" countries have not really been known for technological or scientific advancements because of the devastating effects of US colonialism and specially UK imperialism, they are still recovering from their effects to this day.
Also, it's really easy for the US, UK, Canada and Australia to flaunt their "technological" advancements after they steal and do a lot of shitty atrocities to the indigenous people, and guess what, their shitty treatment to the indigenous people
still happens to this day, also the recent discoveries of the horrible s**t that the Canadian government and the catholic church did to the natives' children's, speaks volume about these "first world" countries.
A lot of European countries too had some this s**t with Belgium being one of the shittiest ones (
killing more than 10 million Congolese), I'm very glad that I was born in a European country that didn't have any of that s**t, but I never take that for granted.
but yeah enough history for today, I don't want to turn this thread into a history lesson lol