Who are the most aggressive and least aggresive tax authorities?

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The way all this tax agencies work is:

"You are guilty until you pay them whatever amount they say."
The way all this tax agencies work is:

"You are guilty until you pay them whatever amount they say."
Agree unless you have undeniable / irrefutable proof that they are wrong. Even then its likely you have to go to court and battle it out there which will cost a s**t ton of money. Sometimes its cheaper to just negotiate a price and settle.

After that.. you learned an expensive lesson and will put in a lot more effort to stay under the radar.

To give you an idea, 55% of the cases that do go to court in Spain are lost by the tax authorities. So the Spanish tax authority (Hacienda) is just fishing most of the time hoping that you settle the case, which is shameful!

Sadly going to court as you say is expensive and emotionally exhausting.

Best thing to do is leave the tax inferno countries and relocate. Luckily there are many options available.
I know exactly which team you mean. What criminals. Forging documents, cutting out notes from seized invoices when it suits them better. Experienced the craziest things with them. These are the real criminals.
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They don't ask. They take whatever they want and send you to count snowflakes and break rocks in a penal colony north of the Arctic Circle. If they are nice they will send you a postcard with a court judgment.

I called an EU "acquaintance" who has been battling his local tax authority for the last +19 years (started in 2004) and he says, in hindsight, he prefers the Russian system because he has already paid lawyers/accountants/experts/courts more than 5 times what the Tax authorities are claiming he owes and he STILL owes them...The fight is ongoing and with interest and penalties He lost countless business partners due to Tax bully's harassment, subpoenas etc etc

In the Russian system, they would have grabbed what they thought was theirs, locked his @ss up, and, on average 2 years later he would be out to continue or start a new business

Of course, we're all geniuses in hindsight.
Netherlands. The tax authorities there have a team that is kind of above the law.
It appears that this phenomenon is not unique and may be prevalent in numerous countries, but it is unmistakably evident in Denmark. The Danish Tax Authority, SKAT, seemingly prioritizes its revenue collection efforts above established legislative frameworks, particularly through its newly formed 'Follow the Money' initiative. This program is known for its assertive approach in apprehending individuals involved in tax and social offenses.

There seems to be a lack of consideration for the potential collateral impact on vulnerable segments of the population, including children and young women, in their pursuit of individuals indebted to the tune of 50,000.

Currently, a close acquaintance of mine is embroiled in a challenging situation with this authority, facing daunting prospects.

The worst part of this whole situation is that it's like David against Goliath - the tax authorities have endless resources to drive you into poverty because most people have a limited budget for lawyers and accountants. The tax authorities know this. In a democratic country, there should be free process and access to lawyers and accountants when a tax case exceeds a certain amount limit - this limit should not be high but should eliminate the trivial cases.
I heard only the worst about Netherlands. Personally dont know it and wouldnt touch with a 10meter pole, but I have a few dutch friends and the stories told made me come to the conclusion they are even worse than Germany.
They have a few tricks there up their sleeve which is quite troublesome.
Its kinda weird as they portray it to be kinda tax friendly on a corp level, but it could not be further from the truth should you catch their attention as a person.
They are -kind of- ok as long as you were not born in NL and do not have a Dutch passport. For everyone else NL can be ok.
All you have to do is take 5 minutes to read this and you'll understand the scumbags in Belastingdienst:

She has NEVER gotten ANYTHING back! They are being offered 5 cents on the dollar!
The benefits scandal.
I wish it only stopped with money. Unfortunately its a lot worse. Children have been placed out of home and some of those kids cannot be "found" anymore.
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Will probably never happen again now

“A record fine was imposed on the Tax Administration yesterday. Because of the blacklisting in the benefits affair, the agency has to pay 3.7 million euros. So the government then actually pays to the government.”
Reactions: Radko and jafo
That is what I am trying to say. All government is very aggressive towards their own citizens. If you are foreigner usually they look less to you, especially if you bring money to country
This was NOT the case in the Netherlands this time. On the contrary, they went AFTER the "foreigners". They differentiate them between autochtonen vs allochtonen.

In one of the videos I saw one of the "allochtonen" was 100% European, just NOT Dutch. They ripped them off like there was NO tomorrow. Even took their child away who was born in the Netherlands, but whose parents were from other European countries - This was 100% the Dutch taxman, belastingdienst!
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State Secretary Aukje de Vries (Toeslagen) regrets that she caused confusion Monday in a debate with the House of Representatives by quoting an incorrect figure about children of duped allowance parents who died. She said that 256 allowance children had died who were 18 years of age or older, but the number is 62 (young) adults, she reported for correction in a parliamentary letter.
Her statement sparked emotions among House members because this relatively high number could indicate the possibility of suicide. "That confusion has arisen over numbers precisely when discussing this topic is terrible and regrettable, especially also for the parents this affects," she writes. "This mistake should never have occurred. In the recovery effort, we want to avoid ambiguity as much as possible. Especially on this issue, this is wrenching."”

And then fine yourself.

Paying taxes to this government is tantamount to financing terrorism. I have no other explanation for this.
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