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Which of these non EU countries are good long term?


Offshore Agent
Mar 24, 2013
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Here is the list of non EU countries which are left in my consideration to start over again in a better and more wealthy life.
  • Albania*
  • Andorra
  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Belarus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina**
  • Georgia
  • Iceland
  • Kosovo**
  • Liechtenstein
  • Moldova
  • Monaco
  • Montenegro*
  • North Macedonia*
  • Norway
  • Russia
  • San Marino
  • Serbia*
  • Switzerland
  • Turkey*
  • Ukraine
  • United Kingdom (left EU on January 31, 2020)
  • Vatican City

The one with stars are soon EU if they make it, so don't need to mention or consider them, Russia and Ukraine is out of questions for obvious reasons, I would anyway not consider them as any good destination.

The Caribbean is to far away for me to move to, even though Bahamas sounds attractive, same does Australia.

We speak 3 Flags Theory here, Business, Company and living, what's your thoughts?

On my list I have so far, Switzerland for all three Flags as one possible option but also San Marino, Jersey and Guernsey on my list for company or even a Trust setup.
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Georgia and Armenia are a big yes. Tried them both and have very good bank systems.
I don't think it is the time for moving to such countries right now, they will be next on list to get terminated by all means.

Both at the same time!

Vatican City: Are you gay?
Are you, do you need to be gay to move there?

Do you put first taxation or quality of life?
it goes hand in hand I believe. quality of life is first priority but taxation will play a role too.
Are you, do you need to be gay to move there?

It's a joke, nobody can really be Vatican tax resident unless connected to the church in some way.

it goes hand in hand I believe. quality of life is first priority but taxation will play a role too.

Of all the ones you mentioned, i would choose between Switzerland, Gibraltar and S.Marino.
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Here is the list of non EU countries which are left in my consideration to start over again in a better and more wealthy life.
  • Albania*
  • Andorra
  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Belarus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina**
  • Georgia
  • Iceland
  • Kosovo**
  • Liechtenstein
  • Moldova
  • Monaco
  • Montenegro*
  • North Macedonia*
  • Norway
  • Russia
  • San Marino
  • Serbia*
  • Switzerland
  • Turkey*
  • Ukraine
  • United Kingdom (left EU on January 31, 2020)
  • Vatican City

The one with stars are soon EU if they make it, so don't need to mention or consider them, Russia and Ukraine is out of questions for obvious reasons, I would anyway not consider them as any good destination.

The Caribbean is to far away for me to move to, even though Bahamas sounds attractive, same does Australia.

We speak 3 Flags Theory here, Business, Company and living, what's your thoughts?

On my list I have so far, Switzerland for all three Flags as one possible option but also San Marino, Jersey and Guernsey on my list for company or even a Trust setup.
Switzerland is pretty much in EU. Evident from the recent actions taken. So a Trust might not help you at all there.

Also big question if the * make it into EU.

Turkey seems to be the most interesting one. They at least could sustain a somewhat independent position as they have army and a manufacturing base.

Georgia was good but with recent events, the question mark become bigger. The banking is however still usable. But the politics there like the EU and its values (lgbt, equality and handing out free stuff) very much so I would not consider it for any significant undertakings.
honest opinion none.

Russia and Belarus may be an option if you want to stay in a place where people will be wealthier than EU.
Only option i checked myself is San Marino however its very small and you don't know what will happen there as itialy is also talking about splitting into north and south.
I personly would add gibraltar and mauritius .Outside of EU,low tax ,non dom and blue passport after x years
Turkey is a good option outside of the EU BUT there are 2 points which you should consider which people are not looking at.

1.Major conflict between muslims and jews which can soon explode and create a big religion conflict based on koran
2.Depending on your passport you might be very limited in travelling in the future which is why it would be good to optain a blue passport.Turkey one is red like all EU ones.
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Georgia and Armenia are a big yes. Tried them both and have very good bank systems.
Both countries were a big Yes in the past. Today both of them are a big No.
  • Armenia changed its taxation system back in 2018. Now it is worldwide taxation with rather obscure rules. Have fun with that Armenia special residency status (post #5 onwards). Moreover, prices have skyrocketed recently and with Aeroflot no longer operating internationally it has become quite insulated and cut off from most reasonably priced flight connections.
  • Georgia is in the midst of an accelerated EU-membership application and they now follow 100% what Bruxelles and Berlin order them to do. So, the first thing which will be abolished is the obscure HNWI-status. Territorial taxation will go in 2023 in a move that will promise a lower flat tax rate. There is no incentive for Georgia to continue with territorial taxation and the current government never liked this system (it is a relict of the Saakashvili era). They have to wait until 2023 because the constitution prohibits a change of the system until then. However,.already today Revenue Service has so.many limitations on territorial taxation that it can only be used by retired people in a secure way. So, moving to Georgia will -at least financially- not give you anything.
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So they will give up territorial taxation in exchange of a < 15% CIT?
Something like that.
Currently they also have the 1% individual entrepreneur tax rate, 2-year "speculation period" (gains on everything you keep for more than 2 years is tax free), preferential taxation for RE which is attached to a plot of land, prefential tax treatment for second hand cars (import/export/sale) + the Estonian tax model. So, their taxation base needs to be broadened urgently without affecting citizens too much. And they will not come up with a system like the Philippines (= foreign sources income tax free for resident aliens) since the EU does not accept that.
Territorial taxation does not give any advantage to most resident citizens since the population is poor anyway so it is easy to change once the constitution allows a system change (2023).
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