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Which coins have 1000%+ surge in future?

You can still find those 1000% if you search hard enough. Coins like ScPrime(Decentralized storage), Electra Protocol(Instant payments) or BLUR(privacy) are all low cap coins that can do 1000% or more. All it takes is some whale to push it up and the momentum will do the rest....
Wasn't it the one bent touted for the past few years and never took off as the leading currency.? Even ltc and eth did better than it.
Its not meant for you or me . Highly surpressed until the Govts, Central Banks, Fin Institutions are ready. They are ready. RESET coming. You will never see it under a $ again. Eventually minimum 3, 4, 5 digit $,s
What banks in America are discussing below is what CBN in Nigeria has already reacted to immediately by banning crypto from banking system and India is planning to do also.

P.S America moves sloooooowwww but will also ban it from its banking sector at some point. Never put any action past the US government....lol.
I am dead sure they will do it ultimately to save the mighty USD and others will follow like slaves to the master similar to what happened when FATCA the world and CRS followed years later. OECD goons were trying for years but US being a tax haven they couldn't do it years ago but Obama was the first one to listen to OECD goons and tax scandals came into too much in sight in those days by journalists looking for news stories. Therefore you had the right atmosphere to pass these laws. Now suddenly Yellen is voicing concern over cryptos beng used by terrorists and money launderers similar to offshore companies earlier. Just wait and watch. ;)
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I am dead sure they will do it ultimately to save the mighty USD and others will follow like slaves to the master similar to what happened when FATCA the world and CRS followed years later. OECD goons were trying for years but US being a tax haven they couldn't do it years ago but Obama was the first one to listen to OECD goons and tax scandals came into too much in sight in those days by journalists looking for news stories. Therefore you had the right atmosphere to pass these laws. Now suddenly Yellen is voicing concern over cryptos beng used by terrorists and money launderers similar to offshore companies earlier. Just wait and watch. ;)
they would better save the mighty usd by at least partially backing it with gold and bitcoin and by making it digital like dai / usdc / tether.
There's a lot of fearmongering in this thread and I was hoping for a different outcome on a forum that understands how the system is rigged.
Anyway, whatever banks will do, they can't do anything else other that regulating cryptos. No government or institution have their hands into the generating process of Bitcoin for example, so even even if they ban banks from having customer transactions linked to cryptos, you can still trade with your online wallet.
Why do you think JP Morgan is talking trash about Bitcoin in the media and then it's getting ready to dump huge money into it?
What do you think is gonna happen with the constant money printing happening due to the scamdemic and the imminent economic collapse to fulfill agenda 2030?
I would advise you to get some bitcoins before it's too late and invest on a digital currency that you think can have a future as a payment tool.
What do you think is gonna happen with the constant money printing happening due to the scamdemic and the imminent economic collapse to fulfill agenda 2030?

You got your tinfoil hat on too tight mate smi(&%

I would advise you to get some bitcoins before it's too late and invest on a digital currency that you think can have a future as a payment tool.

Is that all you wanted to push? Why didnt you just cut to the chase.

There's a lot of fearmongering in this thread and I was hoping for a different outcome on a forum that understands how the system is rigged.

Hope or "hopium" is a drug most people get addicted to but yes the system is rigged.
You got your tinfoil hat on too tight mate smi(&%
I couldn't expect much more by someone who ends every sentence with ...lol.
Go educate yourself please. You can start by reading this one:

Is that all you wanted to push? Why didnt you just cut to the chase.
I didn't even mention the cryptocurrencies I own. You missed the chance to shut up.
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These people write these books for people like yourself and not me...hint hint ;).
Ha! You didn't even read the name of the author and trying to play smart on a keyboard.
Klaus Schwab is the founder and head of the WEF. You confirmed you're not educated, yet you were pretending to know something about the subject.
Nice move mate!

What has this got to do with what I wrote :rolleyes:.
You're trying to insinuate I'm "pushing" something here, but I didn't mention which cryptos I've invested into. Difficult to understand?
Which coins have 1000%+ surge in future?
Maybe btt coin? Or dogecoin? Or what?
Probably some DeFi or centralized DeFi crypto coin (like on Binance Smart Chain, no it's not the same as Binance exchange) with low market cap which is innovative and NOT yet on classical central exchanges. If you don't know what DeFi is you should inform yourself. Best bet is to gather as much information as possible in special communities on crypto DeFi news sites, twitter, Telegram and learn a little bit more about the technical sides of this whole new DeFi world. Many people are stuck with knowledge in crypto of 2017/2018.
Klaus Schwab is the founder and head of the WEF.

Is that impressive to you...lol? :rolleyes:

You're trying to insinuate I'm "pushing" something here, but I didn't mention which cryptos I've invested into. Difficult to understand?

You are pushing bitcoin so don't get mad....lol. Read what you wrote thats all :rolleyes:.

I would advise you to get some bitcoins before it's too late and invest on a digital currency that you think can have a future as a payment tool.
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