Where would you move if you had a Family?

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No. You cannot just live there.
Exactly. Getting residency in Liechtenstein is almost impossible. You must have connections with the people there

it's Schengen I believe, automatic residency for EU members.
In a EU country, if you're a EU or EEA citizen all you need is a valid ID card or passport. Residence permit in this case is for "third nationals"

In non-EU countries you are required to have a residence permit even if you're a EU/EEA citizen (the process is easier than for third nationals) so Liechtenstein decides whether you receive it or not.
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it's Schengen I believe, automatic residency for EU members.
Not at all. They have special treaty. Also Id never life there even if paid. Too depressing.
The problem is that it's a very small community and it would drive me insane long term. I come from a small Town in Europe and I left years ago because of the closed mentality of the people.
If you had different female preferences, I would suggest somewhere in SEA. But you won't see too many tall and white women there.

So your options are just in Europe and North America.

And speaking of the latter, why not US? It seems to meet all of your requirements.

Lots of opportunities for your children to get a high level of education too, plus plenty of opportunities for you to invest and to freely run your current business and even create new ones.

Taxes can be a bit high, but if you set up everything correctly in the right states they won't be as bad.
The USVI offer great tax advantages, it’s worth considering them if your business requires employees.
Reactions: jafo
The USVI offer great tax advantages, it’s worth considering them if your business requires employees.

I don't think OP wants to live in the Caribbean though. Unless you can run your USVI business from Miami, for example?

There are literally thousands of tall white women in Thailand on holidays that are in "self-discovery" mode and ready to do crazy s**t.

I agree, but it's not the same.
Depends on where you live. Lots of upscale neighborhoods in Miami where chances of that happening are slim to none.
That’s absolutely Incorrect unless you live on star island, fisher or hibiscus where the cheapest home is $5M+. I was born and raised in miami and spent my entire life there up til a year ago. Even downtown Brickel where there’s super luxurious buildings there’s tons of robberies and violent crimes. There’s no such thing as a neighborhood in miami where chances of a crime are slim to none comparable to monaco, dubai or other safe areas in the world. You’ll always be within less than 5 miles to a dangerous area and police presence is very weak. Also, in a city like miami, there’s no way for you to just stay in your neighborhood. You’ll HAVE to leave your neighborhood almost everyday
What would you say is the safest/most family-friendly place in the US?

I haven't spent too much in the US, but even while walking in central Manhattan, I got homeless/bums approaching for cigarettes/money.

In NY, there are around 500 homicides and 1k shootings per year - I don't know if that's a lot in US context, but the violent crime rate is 333 times more than in UAE
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You are clearly exaggerating.

But, in any case, Miami was just an example that I gave when I asked JohnnyDoe about something related to the BVI. Plenty of other cities in the US to choose from.
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Safest cities in America are boring and taxes are high. They’re also too far from major airports with direct flights to europe / Asia. Which to most is a big no no. Stick to europe and Middle East my friend. America is not what it used to be and you’ll quickly miss culture, good weather, good food etc. Keep in mind that Florida’s weather is shitty most of the year with extremely hot and humid summers. Winters can be ok but they’ve also been pretty cold at night around Christmas. Rather go to Dubai.
Miami is not safe at all. Unless you’re ok being shot by an angry Cuban on I 95 or your woman getting robed by a Haitian while walking to the store
This man knows Miami like the back of his hand!

I used to live in zip code 33109. I mentioned it a while back here Monaco resdient without 500k EUR
and here: Switzerland - An exposé by CNBC International..

You are clearly exaggerating.

But, in any case, Miami was just an example that I gave when I asked JohnnyDoe about something related to the BVI. Plenty of other cities in the US to choose from.

My concerns with the US are:

(1) US Police have stolen $68 billion in the past 20 years from American citizens without due process. THOM DUNN 7:00 AM MON DEC 21, 2020 - This averages to US$ 209.23 for every man, woman, and child in the US.

(2) This is ONLY federal .... not even counting state, city, municipal, and off-the-coast "asset seizures"

Source: Law enforcement STOLE more stuff from people than burglars did last year! Washington Post!
Since then, WP was told/warned/threatened to STOP reporting the stats on Civil Asset Forfeiture!

Also this:

Moreover, this is a major concern mine about where the US is heading:

Is this last part a bad thing? I don't get it... What am I missing?
Increasingly thinking of this less so a move but more so allegiance / citizenship.

I think the South Pacific to sit out what ever these morons will do next (WW3 or BioWar).

Generally you want a place with first world standards (infrastructure) but looking at the geopolitical environment I wouldn’t rule out a partially deserted land mass (island) with substance (food/water).

Here in Asia I am too exposed due to the flight plans for a biowar - which is why it became the hot bed for Covid transiting through to the rest of the world.

Plenty of islands - problems is you are only a person or two removed from domestic flights to capital cities and have roughly 15m people in a 200sq mile radius.

What you need is a island with domestic shuttles to a larger island with infrequently flights so if something does occur you can cut off flights, and that larger island connection via major regional hubs, so you have a period of observation.

In addition you need to be able to be self sustaining (agriculture/water/energy - and means to fish).

Then you need something for bartering in a world without coms.

You also need to be in a place that rules out being called for service (so that rules out overseas territories for me).

Not many places fit that bracket as the ones that do have a high population count of locals - South Pacific however has different options.
Reactions: jafo
I'm going to gather my projects and start a thread about this. I started this (forcefully) with 4 buddies in 1998. Remember the 1999 to 2000 doomsday? Yeah, those guys dragged me into this thinking, which has been a learning experience.

Where should we start this thread? Let's talk or something else...
Name me one State in the USA that is Anti-Woke, has low taxes, affordable housing and where I don't risk getting shot. I'm serious, I might consider it.
Reactions: jafo
Name me one State in the USA that is Anti-Woke, has low taxes, affordable housing and where I don't risk getting shot. I'm serious, I might consider it.

In general, violent crime in the US is concentrated in certain neighborhoods and in certain cities.

You won't really risk getting shot if you live in the right neighborhood, even in the big cities. Even New York is pretty safe nowadays; it's not like in the 90s.

But I digress; the main reason why I'm suggesting the US is because of your female appearance requirements, and because we always talk about Poland, Romania and Bulgaria to the point that there is really nothing else to add there.

If you want low taxes, safety and affordable housing just move to SEA. Like someone else said, you'll still see plenty of foreigners in places like Thailand. Some bars, nightclubs and even whole neighborhoods in the main cities cater to foreigners so you can always go for a walk or a beer there and meet your tall and slim white women (though they are almost always tourists).

Or you can go on a "business trip" to Melbourne or Sydney from time to time to get your fix, since they are relatively close
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