Excuse me for repeating the question, or phrasing it more clearly this time: do they (CS for example) allow for short naked call options as well? The reason why I ask is because I know Saxo Bank does offer them (but at a rather high cost per trade); however, Swissquote (regardless of your relationship status with them) doesn't (long side only there).Yes they do. When I was with CS I held EU government bonds with them. I never ever bought bonds through them as it was too expensive. At the time I bought through IBK and FOP (Free of Payment) transferred them to CS. That's how you should use discount brokers i.e just buy through them cheaply and transfer to your wealth management bank. CS charged a custody fee I think it was 0.15% per annum at the time that I had negotiated. It was a small price to pay to be able transfer securities into thirdparty trusts and also donate some securities to my old university etc. The flexibility and also breath of wealth management services you cannot get holidng assets at a broker.
Would you consider Switzerland's CIM Banque's (which has been mentioned in this forum numerous times) private wealth management option (which includes the IBKR platform for securities trading/investing) a viable option?
Thanks again in advance.