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Where would you form a company for a stock market portfolio?

Yes they do. When I was with CS I held EU government bonds with them. I never ever bought bonds through them as it was too expensive. At the time I bought through IBK and FOP (Free of Payment) transferred them to CS. That's how you should use discount brokers i.e just buy through them cheaply and transfer to your wealth management bank. CS charged a custody fee I think it was 0.15% per annum at the time that I had negotiated. It was a small price to pay to be able transfer securities into thirdparty trusts and also donate some securities to my old university etc. The flexibility and also breath of wealth management services you cannot get holidng assets at a broker.
Excuse me for repeating the question, or phrasing it more clearly this time: do they (CS for example) allow for short naked call options as well? The reason why I ask is because I know Saxo Bank does offer them (but at a rather high cost per trade); however, Swissquote (regardless of your relationship status with them) doesn't (long side only there).

Would you consider Switzerland's CIM Banque's (which has been mentioned in this forum numerous times) private wealth management option (which includes the IBKR platform for securities trading/investing) a viable option?

Thanks again in advance.

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Would you consider Switzerland's CIM Banque's (which has been mentioned in this forum numerous times) private wealth management option (which includes the IBKR platform for securities trading/investing) a viable option?
If I had the money I would use them for exact this. I read the bad reviews some have posted, but I also chat with people happy with CIM BANK.
My only unfulfilled wish (still?) now is for there to be a way to move from crypto to stocks and back to crypto without having to deal with a "human." ange¤%& That would be the icing on the cake for me
I have this solution for you but in a crypto to cfds level. Basically depositing crypto to play on cfds including forex. Dont know if this what you are looking for.
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Yeah, Private Banks and Wealth Management have been great. Especially, prior to all these "rules & regulations" that ONLY benefit unproductive, useless, dastardly gang members under the ruse of "gov."

I have YET to run into one banking customer who is happy with all these new "rules & regulations" regarding AML/KYC, AEOI, CRS etc etc. Not ONE! stupi#21

My only unfulfilled wish (still?) now is for there to be a way to move from crypto to stocks and back to crypto without having to deal with a "human." ange¤%& That would be the icing on the cake for me.
Well, smth might come out of it on Bitcoin liquid network (bitcoin sidechain) (I happen to know some folks involved in this, so might be biased but I shill it nevertheless).
You can hold what are digital securities yourself (but need some kyc for getting these)

for example, the first investment in el salvador is listed there for example. (bond for airport hotel construction)

Still all small and all, but it looks promising.

Ill add some links here how you get started:

Bitfinex Admission to Trading | HILSV Offering Overview

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Yeah, Private Banks and Wealth Management have been great. Especially, prior to all these "rules & regulations" that ONLY benefit unproductive, useless, dastardly gang members under the ruse of "gov."

I have YET to run into one banking customer who is happy with all these new "rules & regulations" regarding AML/KYC, AEOI, CRS etc etc. Not ONE! stupi#21

My only unfulfilled wish (still?) now is for there to be a way to move from crypto to stocks and back to crypto without having to deal with a "human." ange¤%& That would be the icing on the cake for me.

Now, I can pay with stablecoins anywhere in the world for anything I want from anywhere without having to provide documents or explanations to anyone—absolutely live-altering realization. I just bought all my elderly EU-resident relatives +1 year of sorely needed medicines that were NOT being provided by the "state," which they could NOT afford, notwithstanding them paying their taxes decades into the "state system" while getting nothing in return. stupi#21 No questions asked. Meds got paid for by an "unknown" and delivered by local pharmacies (that accept stablecoins) as they should.

Now...can the next Satoshi "Stock" Nakamoto, please get to work? smi(&%
As someone still learning about crypto... How are you able to use stable coins for all your purchases? Do you mean you can find select companies that take them for just about any item you want, or do you mean you have a way to pay for everything with stable coins? How does one do this and are the fees not high for crypto transactions?

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I have this solution for you but in a crypto to cfds level. Basically depositing crypto to play on cfds including forex. Dont know if this what you are looking for.
CFDs are not my thing, but I'll DM you! I might just throw some money at it to "experience" it. ;)

Well, smth might come out of it on Bitcoin liquid network (bitcoin sidechain) (I happen to know some folks involved in this, so might be biased but I shill it nevertheless).
You can hold what are digital securities yourself (but need some kyc for getting these)

for example, the first investment in el salvador is listed there for example. (bond for airport hotel construction)

Still all small and all, but it looks promising.

Ill add some links here how you get started:

Bitfinex Admission to Trading | HILSV Offering Overview

Thank you, Jack!
I'm open to experimenting with these "new systems." ;)
I'm all for the dilation of my circle of competence with a scale factor > 1. :cool:

I really appreciate this!

As someone still learning about crypto... How are you able to use stable coins for all your purchases? Do you mean you can find select companies that take them for just about any item you want, or do you mean you have a way to pay for everything with stable coins? How does one do this and are the fees not high for crypto transactions?

Disclaimer: These are MY experiences and may differ from others, but here we go...

I had NO choice. Private and commercial banks started implementing all their AML/KYC, CRS, AEOI, etc., BS, so I was forced to search for a solution or perish. Initially, I found the solution in Bitcoin and Ethereum, but they were too volatile. Then, the Chinese (and other Asian) suppliers, realizing that the Western self-appointed rulers of the world were hindering the growth of small entrepreneurs, started to accept stablecoins (I think I once posted a de-identifiable message from one of my suppliers here). Basically, the Asian govs. turned a blind eye to stablecoins so they can continue to export to every Tom, Dick, and Harry and NOT just to Walmart, Amazon, and other behemoths.

My buyers also were forced to use stablecoins because corresponding banks were shutting them down...EVEN with HUGE buildings and thousands of employees. stupi#21

Of course, if they purchased their hardware from SNX (TechData for the older guys); https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/SNX/
It would not only be allowed but also applauded. :mad:
See here why:

What does this have to do with the corresponding banks, you ask?

Let's take the biggest corresponding bank as an example: JP Morgan Chase: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/JPM/holders


Those pesky businessmen in Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America ain't going NOWHERE! I expect an assault on the stablecoins soon...if the dastardly girly-boys figure it out. They may not be able to (in time). ;)

Let me know if something isn't clear. thu&¤#

PS. TL; DR. Many entrepreneurs and medium-sized businesses are into stablecoins now but refuse to advertise them due to fear of retaliation by their banks and merchant providers. I have a very inexpensive printer in Asia that prints out similar window stickers for me

I sent them to my buyers for "free" in each order, but they have told me NOT to send those things anymore because they can't advertise them. Their banks and merchant providers will close their accounts. They have already been threatened.
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Guys please stick to topic or I will have to delete more posts....thx
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