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Where To Open An Offshore Bank Account

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Regardless of your reasoning, having an offshore bank account can provide a myriad of benefits. However, a major challenge that you may have is in finding offshore bank accounts that can be trusted sources to hold your wealth until you need it. Finding the right place can make the difference between getting your funds back when requested and having things like severe fines, penalties, and even a loss of the funds. Let us take a moment to list a few locations where to open an offshore bank account. Listed for their safety and security as well as tract record for providing superior service, these suggestions are all good places to investigate.


Looking For the Right Set Of Things
If you are looking for a place to invest American capital, then you have several different options. However, those options will be limited by a series of factors that you have to consider. First, be aware that there are many offshore bank accounts that open their doors to Americans. Be also aware that many of these countries lack the stability necessary to make the decision of putting money in safe. Second, there are many very safe havens for money that have no interest in American funds. For example, some of the most popular places in the world to store funds include parts of Asia and the Middle East. They typically do not have interest in American customers because they are earning far more from local individuals or those from other countries. So, what you will need is the right combination of interest in American accounts and stability.

1. Singapore
Often seen as the gateway to western development of Asia and Southeast Asia, Singapore is a city state that survives off of being a commercial and business mega star. Placed far above countries with tens of thousands of square miles more of land and resources, Singapore is thriving due to their stability and orientation towards business focused individuals. The end result is a peaceful city that makes an incredible place to store wealth. As a final consideration, fees are usually low with Singapore as reflected by the government’s ‘pro-business’ stance.


2. Belize
A country on the eastern coast of Central America, Belize has become something of a popular destination for wealth leaving the US. Beyond an FATCA fee and monthly fee, you can store large amounts of money in banks located in this country. At the same time, Belize lacks the same refinement as say Swiss banks, and you may not always have the access you are looking for. That being said, it is still a very safe place to store your wealth.

3. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
A series of islands located in the Caribbean, there are many banks in the country that cater to holding American capital. Offering a range of features and relatively low fees, you get selection at the cost of prompt service. Still, it is a trusted source that you can develop a relationship with and count on when needed.
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How will you do that in the USA? according to most information on the Internet you're only chance to get an account is if you know someone with an SSN and will do the account opening for you?! UK seems to require personal visit if I'm not wrong, someone knows?
I know someone with SSN in USA. But currently I'm not living there that's why I still haven't build my own. But I have a plan to move there after my business growing.
I think you need to open an offshore bank account that suit your needs and the one where you live at.
Some people doesn't have the luxury of living in a place where their country is considered a tax haven country. That's why we still need the advice of the professionals regarding these matter.
Can some please list the available banks we may try to open an account with. I want to find a stable and reliable offshore bank account for our business.
Where you are going to open your offshore account may be depending on where your offshore company is registered and what you try to achieve. Furthermore it will be depending on your business and if you can be accepted by an offshore bank in an certain jurisdiction.
For my business the best was to go with Cyprus for the first bank account. I'm researching on Belize and Mauritius because they are the only other jurisdictions I have found so far.
Anyone have experience doing business in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? What about safety and privacy level?
It depends on what you mean by doing business there. I have an bank account there but not doing any local business if it is what you are asking for.
Do you think I can open my own Offshore bank account in India? Any option for it?
You mean while you are in India you want to open an offshore account within India or you want a remote offshore account opening in an other country? please be more specific.
Is there a chance to opening bank account in Singapore without visiting them? Or I need to go there directly?
I know I read somewhere that there are banks in Singapore that don't require personal visit. I'm not sure what bank that was. Will be doing some research and get back if I find something of interest.
A great detailed post. OP was saying, many country who are popular in offshore banking, don't give interest against American funds. I wonder, is Singapore also same?
Singapore is diffirent and can't be compared with the USA!
Singapore is very near in our country. I once visited Singapore and all I could say is 'wow' . Their buildings are top notch and their community is great. I believe that if ever I will go offshore, its one of the first countries I will start into.
From my understanding, there is a bank in Singapore can vet through the documents before the account is opened for offshore companies. There are a few banks in Singapore but only this bank can do a look through the situation and tell you if you can open account. Some banks are just waiting for clients to fly into Singapore, go through the process and reject the clients after all the documents were submitted. The bank that I mentioned can accept many offshore companies as well
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