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What's the best way to buy bitcoins or get FIAT/Money for BTC?

I'm going to refresh this thread.
Say I'd like to buy (and later sell) BTC for about 50-100k EUR. What's the most efficient way to do that?
I'm using mistertango and their bitmarket.lt for small transactions but the market there is not deep enough to cover such a transaction and also 1% fee for load and unload seems quite a lot. E.g. Kraken and their verification procedures make me sick... Can you suggest something working for you with such volume?
What if the coin is not BTC but say Ripple, Monero or Ethereum?
What if the coin is not BTC but say Ripple, Monero or Ethereum?
you have to exchange to btc and the unload in real money for instant using some of the large exchange & trading services like kraken, coinbase, bitfinex and similar sites.
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