What's the point of bashing the EU in almost any EU related topic? Instead of these no-sense additivesMine are facts... why you're chatting here then, it's the wrong forum.
You should work, you have to pay the 60% of taxes I refused to...
or are you on benefits too?![]()
Well I'd I am pretty down to earth and rational person so I'd rather guide myself by stats than by fear.you are sleeping in your dream world.Statistics are worth garbage.Its like telling me the inflation over last 10 years was only 2%.Who belives in that s**t ?
EU is deep communist.Its implementing now a deflationary system which is very centralized including industry 4.0 .
Peoples wealth is considered their money what they can do whatever they want.
An example in end of 2019 Merkel implemented a law that peoples savings can be used to pay citizens who got damages from vaccines.
Next step high taxation.Green party already said something arround 72% if you earn 2800 Euro per month.
Right now they are calm before the storm but just wait a few months when inflation skyrockets,interrest needs to be raised and lack of gas what is going to happen quickly.
with deep communist i don't mean they implement a communistic country 1:1 like before.
State owned property is not welcomed.Thats why ex communist country had to privatise everything.
However its a central planned econemy with everyone having the same benefit which is minimal
where individualism is not tolareted.Freedom of movement is already being restricted and it will be increased.
Germany is building already a wall to poland.
Officaly against wild pigs.
You can explain why you need a permanent 2.5m high wall for wild pigs ?
People are sleeping.........
Es hat niemand vor eine Mauer zu bauen.......
People don't even see how they are more and more getting closed in a terrytority they won't be able to escape soon anymore.
The diffrence is you guys get the mRNA vaccine where others don't.Deep democratic countries are clearly the target.The other point is the financial repression in these countries to suck out wealth and make the citizens comply
I know you need your guru with a title or an article on xyz
Its in your blood you need a Fuhrer
But maybe Mr Brain can explain to me where i added a race so you called it racism.
Dumb never learned to read properly and argument but instead throughs words like racism trying to silence someone ?
Yeah the inflation numbers don't make sense most of the time because you can't really measure inflation anyway it's to complex to express it in a percentage.
You are just insinuating things, it's all based on a theory of what could happen, doesn't mean it will happen..
And besides the COVID situation I haven't really felt limited in freedom of movement, just crossed 4 countries in the EU last weekend by car without any problems, imagine trying this in Africa, South America or Asia..
What bad things do you see happening for people that are getting the vaccine? Bill Gates implementing a 5G chip with the vaccines so they can control your mind?
If I can give you some advice, stop bothering yourself with these non-sense theories and invest your precious time in something else, trust me it will give you a lot more peace in your mind. If you would actually believe that Europe would turn into this communist hell hole you pretend it will be in the future I don't see why the f**k you are not getting the f**k out of Europe?
I don't know what EU country you are from but in my home country there are no loopholes anymore for the "elite". Well if you don't believe a bright future for EU countries I suggest to get out of it if you not already have and stop bothering about it.Mine are facts... why you're chatting here then, it's the wrong forum.
You should work, you have to pay the 60% of taxes I refused to...
or are you on benefits too?
that's only because once you reach those "elite" levels, there's plenty of hidden loopholes (not usable for the average citizen) to pay a lot less taxes than the "advertised ones".
Europe is a great continent with many interesting places. But the EU the way is going is doomed to fail.