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What you say Gold is best anonymous investment ?


well-known Member
Mar 4, 2017
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What would you say, is buy Gold in larger scale the best way for anonymous invest your money? I mean, if I had 300K blackmoney beside me and want to invest it in something more secure than euro or any other currency, would Gold not be the most secure way of doing it?
Gold may be subject to seizure as you try to cross borders ... or it may be affected by reducing limits on (fiat) currency transactions, or it may become illegal to hold outright.

Other than that ... I would say it is a better bet than holding paper currency ... which again is a better bet than lending your money to the bank at 0%.
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I'm skeptical about gold. If you bought it at a wrong time you can get stuck with it for years, even decade. You have to store it somewhere and I doubt you'll store it as your pair of shoes, otherwise you pay 1-2% storage fee. The saddest part comes when you want to sell it - you lose on buy/sell spread and lose a lot since you must make a huge effort to find someone ready to buy your gold.
not really, I read that you never have invested in Gold, that I read from how you explain the down's.

Actually you can sell Gold as fast as you bought it, the point is, you need to make sure to buy it from a store / dealer that do both buy and sell at the same time. I have found such an dealer, I loose if I sell my Gold right after I bought it, true, but if I wait some month (so far) I win.

That said, I agree you can risk to wait long time before you can make any profits but compared to the below Gold has only gone 1 way, that's up.
but compared to the below Gold has only gone 1 way, that's up
past performance is no guarantee of future results

that do both buy and sell at the same time. I have found such an dealer, I loose if I sell my Gold right after I bought it, true, but if I wait some month (so far) I win.
how much do you lose if you take your bar home and then next day return and sell it if the price does not change ?
gold is great option unless you want to use it as safe haven, but not good as short term investissement, it's totally anonyme until you make big purchases.
I agree with you :) While I bought Gold for a substantial amount I have thought about it as a long term investment to supply my retirement in some centuries.
If you live in Europe you will have limited options to buy gold for cash anonymously. It requires some research to find the shops that will let you buy for even 100K euro at a time with out ID and with the new rules in place.

For good reasons I don't go and mention them here, but you will simply need to find a favorit shop where you can walk in, small towns, start with small amounts you buy and then slowly go up and then ask them how you go about it. Once they have seen you come in the same shop frequently they are most often willing to help you.
don't buy all golds from one place. specially if u do it online.
so you keep it under radar.
also it depends what is your primary motivation behind buying massive gold and what is your paymenet method.
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My comment was only based on cash payments for Gold you take with you. Everything else may be different.
Up to 10k euro by cash in Germany is anonymous
Up to 3k euros in Belgium is anonymous
But I do not recommend carrying more than 10k euros with you as you run the risk of getting it seized by police/customs on spot
Little by little like they said.
A bit of bitcoin would not hurt too
Don't put all your money in the same product
But I do not recommend carrying more than 10k euros with you as you run the risk of getting it seized by police/customs on spot

where are these rumors coming from? I'm frequently traveling with much bigger cash, last time for example 100k+ Paris CDG airport
never had any problem at the airport, no question about traveling by car in Europe

many countries have limits for carried cash being subject of customs declaration (typically 10k+ EUR) - I never did that and if anybody cares I always have proof where is the money coming from, not worried about problems

on the other hand I'd be really worried about how 1kg golden bar would look like on a scanner and what would they say - anybody tried that?
no question about traveling by car in Europe
It is a matter of luck, if they stop you to check your passport or anything else and they want to look into your car you get busted.
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