What to Do with $1 Million and Overcome Daily Boredom

I am truly grateful for all the many good comments and, above all, the suggestions that have come out of this thread. It is really useful. As mentioned somewhere, it was indeed a Friday thread, so I am not surprised.
Reactions: Houdini and jafo
I am truly grateful for all the many good comments and, above all, the suggestions that have come out of this thread. It is really useful. As mentioned somewhere, it was indeed a Friday thread, so I am not surprised.
I sincerely believe I wrote & shared with you a great solution, which is EXACTLY what I do daily!

Not sure what you are looking for. Some others have taken your question in a lighthearted way.

Now, if you are looking for someone to say:

Go to XYZ
Profit your (principal * 1000 bagger)...well...NOBODY, ABSOLUTELY NOBODY will tell you this. Those who know will keep it hush-hush.

You need to DYOR. How else are you going to earn what you deserve?

OP I hope you found some good place for your million $ or € it is not healthy for you money to lay around on a bank account with no interest paid!
Depression is a common issue on reddit fatfire.
I think once you don't need to bother about money, adrenaline lowers down. So one solution is to pump it up, scuba/free diving, skydiving, cold exposure, wim hof breathing, weightlifting, high-intensity interval training etc. It will generate adrenaline and then dopamine
well the options are endless with 1 million but if I can offer my feminine imput...
If you feel bored you want to go for something that fulfills you on a deeper level and not some quick satisfaction spree.
Take a calm moment for yourself and close your eyes and see that money in front of you. Now ask the money what it wants to do, where it wants to go.
check in with yourself with what comes up, if you sense a smile, write it down, if you feel tense let it go. You can make a top 3 like this and enjoy spending that money on something good.
Else if you like to help me get a little homestead land it would also count as good deed wink wink

I hope this helps you out...
Last month, I earned $1 million, which I have sitting in the bank. I have no idea what to do with it, and I'm afraid to invest it.

I'm also bored every day now. What would you do in this situation?
Man you really have a problem compared to many of us that have to work for a living each day.

Is that million all you have? I mean, aren't you earning money anymore?
Reactions: jafo and Marshal
I like that

I have another income of six figures per month, so this million doesn't mean much in my daily life. I think I've decided to try my hand at some small-scale real estate speculation to see if I can become the next BlackRock before I retire.

Anyone who can sell me an Aladdin server so I can predict the market? I assume ChatGPT can't help with this one
So you are a trader? Are you already a big spender? I mean once you are settled what do you do with the extra money coming in, especially if one is not into consumerism lifestyle like myself. I would do some charity. You can become a second Mr beast ...
Reactions: jafo
Consider looking into a very good sound system. (Large full range electrostatic speakers)

Music recordings have a lots of details that never can be heard on the general play back devices so you might be in for a big surprise.

Personally I have found this rewarding in more ways than what can be described.
It's not a topic that many bother to discus but I can assure you it opens your mind and soul.
And of course the cost of this experience can be about the price of an Italian sports car but well worth it.
Boredom is an extreme problem particularly for internet entrepreneurs, it mostly stems from the difficulty in meeting like minded people. Taking an alternative path is very punishing regardless of whether you've achieved financial success. In the traditional business world, unlike online, you build connections quite easily and rapidly with educated, ambitious, like minded individuals, the filter is usually your employer and how stringent the hiring processes are. Online it is predominantly people from humble beginnings that found a way to make money.

They don't have any exposure or any real imagination as to how exciting and thrilling the world is outside of their bubble. Private clubs, villas, yachts, jet setting, art, wine, cigars, watches, private events like charity galas with interesting people from all the world. Best advise is to use your money to meet interesting people while doing interesting things!

While this is generalization, it holds mostly true, the average tech "millionaire" is bland, barely travels, doesn't have many interests in anything short of liberal politics and maybe something simple like hiking, lives in one single place their entire life, usually in the US, which is void of any culture, real history, or substance short of politics and consumerism.
You can become a second Mr beast

Boredom is an extreme problem particularly for internet entrepreneurs
Animals! Every financially-secured person who is bored or lost should study veterinary medicine and spend time taking care of animals. Trust me—you'll hate most of your fellow men in a New York minute!
I am surprised nobody has asked for some more info.

Your age, where you live, and what you've done in your life so far will play a big part in any answers.
I'd personally say travel around to get a different perspective on different societys and ways of life. Spend a year on the road and appreciate the freedom that the cash has given you.

But you may already have done all that which is why more info always helps.

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