What to Do with $1 Million and Overcome Daily Boredom

Last month, I earned $1 million, which I have sitting in the bank. I have no idea what to do with it, and I'm afraid to invest it.
you should be scared to death keeping your money in the bank (especially one account in one bank in one country)
depending on your total wealth and other sources of income you should buy BTC for an adequate portion of this money - they you can finally relax
I'm also bored every day now. What would you do in this situation?
do what you like
if you don't like anything find something
if you can't find anything try harder or stay where you are

some man need a woman to tell them what to do and think - she would also help you with your "money problem"
I noticed NOBODY is giving you a straight answer, so here I go...

  1. Start your morning with a bit of walking, stretching, and join a weight lifting gym and lift some heavy weights.
  2. Relax and start by watching the 1994 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting:
  3. Read Atomic Habits
  4. Join a boxing gym and do some cardio in the evenings. Alternate between kickboxing one evening and Jiu-Jitsu the following evening. Rinse and repeat!
  5. Before bed, read this book: https://www.amazon.com/Berkshire-Hathaway-Letters-Shareholders-2017-ebook/dp/B00DUM1W3E/ref=sr_1_3

This is enough to keep you busy for a very long time.

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Last month, I earned $1 million, which I have sitting in the bank. I have no idea what to do with it, and I'm afraid to invest it.

I'm also bored every day now. What would you do in this situation?
Based on the OTHER answers you are receiving (excluding mine), I would like to know what you did to the others that they "dislike" you so much.

What am I missing here?
Based on the OTHER answers you are receiving (excluding mine), I would like to know what you did to the others that they "dislike" you so much.
He who is bored with $1m in the bank doesn’t even deserve to go to hell. OP will end in the vestibule of hell, to be punished by being forced to chase after a blank banner while being endlessly stung by wasps and hornets. The stings will bleed in eternity, and his blood will be eaten by worms and maggots that infest the ground.

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He is asking for advice because (I suspect) he doesn't know!
NGL, I had a major windfall when I was 18. Major! I had NO idea what to do with the money except hitting the strip clubs in Manhattan. So, I decided to "invest in people by helping friends and family pay their bills. "
Since I am the POLAR opposite of ungrateful, I had NO idea I was buying myself dozens of enemies and turning my good friends and relatives into mortal enemies.

So, I feel for OP.

PS. The Italian guy (73 at that time) who helped me with the windfall who was the owner of a few Italian restaurants in NYC labeled me after that: "Stronzo con iniziativa!" (Roughly translated: Dumbass with initiative)
Giving money to FFF is the best way to lose both.
OP, I feel you. Recently had to sell the company I created in my early twenties and feel a bit empty inside. The windfall basically doubled my net worth, but no change in lifestyle, put everything in PB under management, spent few months recalibrating life.
I'm a bit bored now, but sleep better, physical and mental health improved, looking for a new shiny thing.