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What online bank/wallet to open business account for my company? With unique Iban

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hi theman78
you may want to look into sogexia - Sogexia - Compte de Paiement et Carte Bancaire MasterCard Prépayée
unique iban and swift from UK bank
sogexia is not a bank or emoney institution
they provide facility to open the account
UK bank (Raphaels bank) – not in GBP, you get EUR account with SEPA payments
easy online account opening all done online

also check the thread as you have many options there - List of EMI and Digital Banks

also worth looking into wirecardbank - www.wirecardbank.com as its not mentioned in the list

it depends what the business activities of the company are, turnover etc and whether you are looking for EU banks or not

wouldnt recommend shared iban/account for serious business though
What's the best alternative to LeuPay?

I am looking for a good solution for my Belgium company, all must be done online as i cannot travel right now, what bank/wallet has decent limits with a unique iban? i need something that can send and receive sepa/swift payments without any delay, i know already leupay, n26 but im looking for others solutions, solutions with shared iban are welcome too as long as its a good bank/wallet, i have heard bad reviews about paysera, wb21 and some others.

Thanks in advance for the replies.
where did you end up to incorporate your business and open accounts? I'm curious sir?

I am looking for a good solution for my Belgium company, all must be done online as i cannot travel right now, what bank/wallet has decent limits with a unique iban? i need something that can send and receive sepa/swift payments without any delay, i know already leupay, n26 but im looking for others solutions, solutions with shared iban are welcome too as long as its a good bank/wallet, i have heard bad reviews about paysera, wb21 and some others.

Thanks in advance for the replies.

With iBanFirst: FinTech, BaaS platform of financial services for businesses you can get a IBAN for a Belgian company (if you have a TVA), they are interfaced with the Belgian Camber of Commerce.
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