What online bank/wallet to open business account for my company? With unique Iban

Hi, guys! I really have a problem and I'm very confused. I have a bank account for some while in Breder Suasso bank, everything was ok, but at the mid of this week I received a call from them saying that my bank account needs to be closed (actually without logical explanation) . So they gave me 10 opening days to transfer all the funds out.

Am I the only one who has such problem? and really - where I will open a new bank account in 10 days? Is it really possible to open a new bank account so quickly?

I'm really hoping on your suggestions or experiance what I could do in such short time? I'm afraid to risk that they will block my funds and I will struggle then after to get them out of this bank.
Reactions: diablo
Personal or corporate account?
Reactions: diablo
Personal or corporate account?

Corporate. This BS bank opened my account very fast - I was even surprised. Other banks said it will be ~5 working days.
But in my case - the fast and easy acc opening came back to me in a negative way.

The only solution I found is to pay extra for urgent account opening.

But those who still have an account in Breder Suasso - be careful and follow up! It was needless stress to deal with all of this.
Reactions: negon and diablo
You got your account and I assume it is working for you after all?
I used to trade forex with the broker called Tallinex. They are excellent to do business with and run a tight ship, along with a key requirement of mine: being a high leverage STP broker. However the USA and Canada changed the laws last year so that Tallinex was unable to accept US or Canadian clients any more. My work around was to start an offshore corp, but opening a cheap low fee bank account was an issue (why pay fees on low amounts of capital in the bank account, I need the money in the trading accounts?). The issue was that Tallinex will only accept wires for deposits and needs a separate IBAN. Only a bank or LeuPay could make that happen. I was not aware of the letter needed to open a LeuPay account, and everything else is heavy fees just for wiring money to and from the broker. By the time the banking / Leupay BS was sorted, Tallinex had opened a new broker company called Capital City Markets and ported all US /CAD Tallinex accounts there. CCM is able to accept US and Canadian clients and allows deposits / withdrawls via Credit Cards, so I now don't need a separate IBAN. I now have a verified business account with ADVCash and a credit card on the way. That credit card will be used to run my broker deposit and withdrawl operations. Problem solved, in theory.
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