What is your take on the altcoin massacre, weak bitcoin and volatile macro backdrop?

These images simply show BTC is in bubble. It is not designed to be a speculation asset.
what you see is a completely natural move of capital world-wide from assets where it was misallocated for decades because of pure necessity... if 15 years isn't enough then just wait longer
Reactions: Mercury

If memory serves me correctly, BTC has had 2 crashes and winters so far - 2017-ish and 2021-ish. Who knows if the 3rd will be recovered from or will be its final death blow.
You speak as if it pumped and dumped twice erasing gains, whereas each cycle it pumped much higher than previous cycle and never dumped much below previous cycle's top. Everyone holding over at least 1 cycle was always in profit, even if they bought the very top.
Therefore, this argument of yours does not apply.
Reactions: padres123
Yes, of course "bubble". But with this bubble you could earn money really well in 10 years.
Just like in the beginning of 2000 it was the same with tech stocks and the "Dot_com" bubble...

Give it one more week of downtrend, it's just the mid cycle low upcoming on March 3rd.
My crystal ball predicts new highs end of March.

Patience. Go out, pick up some chicks or go hiking. Relax.
I have been through several cycles and bear markets. So not panicking at a drawdown. But this feels like a full-blown bearmarket, rather than a correction at this stage.

A bunch of bullish news also don't move the needle either.
well FWIW, chatGPT:
Give it one more week of downtrend, it's just the mid cycle low upcoming on March 3rd.
My crystal ball predicts new highs end of March.

Patience. Go out, pick up some chicks or go hiking. Relax.
I count on your statement

Do you have anything that could illustrate your claim in pictures og graphs or something ? Right now there is a free fall on all markets including crypto
Forget the price, Bitcoin and Ethereum were invented to solve a problem that hasn’t been fully realized yet.

We know the govt economies don’t add up. Once it falls, that’s when the purpose of Bitcoin will shine like a blinding light. Price will follow. But let’s not put the carriage before the horse. We knew patience is what it takes because we know the truth and where it leads.

Ethereum solves the centralized internet problem, nothing beats it as far as security and decentralization. Even govts and real estate wouldnt trust Solana to tokenize their 100 trillion+ assets. Or when we want to migrate the Internet DNS or SSL to Ethereum. Then its price will follow. The perfect hammer for the perfect nail.

Maybe it’s the bull in me, but the problems that Bitcoin and Ethereum solve are to overcome the inevitable dystopian future. Almost everything else in the crypto world is super short sighted and noise.
Reactions: WorldCitizen99
Thank you very good illustrating your claim and helpful for someone not that PRO into crypto.
Reactions: JohnnyDoe
As always, Crypto moves in cycles.
If you can't control your FOMO and buy when everybody is frenzied, you lose.
If you can buy counter-cycle and wait for everybody to be max bearish and liquidated, you make good money.

Tip: Find a loser friend who always buys at the top.
Whenever he calls you to ask about buying Crypto, sell everything.
Whenever you are thinking about buying, ask him if he is interested.
If he says "f**k Crypto", it's time to buy.
right so, i dont believe in crypto its all bs. so there is that - am sure there will be the believers that will reply to this post - but pull it all back, there is no need for it other than a medium of exchange. ITs only a blockchain that records info and nothing more. No banks will want to use xrp for example - as they will want to come up with their own blockchain that they control (through a member organisation like swift for example) which will remain private

In any case the tokens in the crypto market are all iou's nothing else. Now coming to that - i work hard to earn a few dollars and buy crypto with it. Nothing wrong with that - but the problem is my hard earned dollar is not the same as an iou tether issued by a vague bvi based company which can just print them out of thin air.

Each dollar inputted in the crypto system has not been created the same so to speak.

SO tether for sure is worse than a central bank - as there is printing of money - but with no oversight whatsoever.

The only target of tether is two fold - get as much cash as possible that they invest in the "real financial system" (diabolical?) and then issue iou's. Each interest payment they receive can be compounded into more crypto. and that can be done daily.

THese big players also need to extract the real dollars out of the system - ie the crypto they didnt print. ie my dollar - which is why a sudden sell off happens in order to liquidate and create money for tether and other big players

i like to say f**k crypto